Supporting Family-Owned Artisan Producers of Hard-to-Find Ingredients since 1999 |
Eat Simply! Live Well!
Our friends and family (and probably many of our customers, too) tire of us talking about food all the time... But we just can't help it. As we age, food becomes ever more important to us. And, as we search for new and interesting products we learn so much from the people who make or grow the foods we sell — the historians and food scientists who spend their lives researching these amazing foods and ingredients – that we just have to share. However, all this information sometimes makes us ponder the condition of our food chain and the healthiness of the ingredients we eat on a daily basis.

Last year about this time we did a newsletter about our Top 10 Favorite Ingredients. We focused on those products that are not only delicious, but good for you too. I was reminded about that newsletter when one of my loyal fish customers emailed this morning and said, "One thing I've discovered is that good health is NOT cheap and run-of-the-mill commercial food does not contribute to good health." That email got me thinking again about many of the healthy and delicious thing we sell. So, I thought I would update the list this week and expand it just a little – since I can't seem to limit myself to just ten.
I guess that makes this our second annual list of our favorite healthy foods - foods that we eat regularly in our own lives. We eat these foods not only because they are good for us, but also because they taste good and add so much to our daily lives — even if it is only for a moment in any given day.
So, Eat Simply! Live Well! from all of us at
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Organic Camelina Oil: High in Omega 3 fatty acids (4:1 ratio of Omega 3:Omega 6), Camelina Oil rivals fresh flaxseed oil, but without the strong flavor, or the propensity to go rancid so quickly. It has a nice, slightly nutty flavor, and is also high in vitamin E. And, on top of all that, camelina oil can be grown using what is called "inter-cropping." That means it can be grown in the same field and at the same time as another crop, in this case Spelt – so the farmer is getting two crops out of one field. Not only is that better for the farmer, but it is better for the spelt, too. Cool, huh? Use it instead of your current salad oil or add it to your morning yogurt – that's what I do...
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Kishibori Shoyu: Aged naturally in 100-year-old barrels, the flavor of this artisan shoyu can't be beat. But almost as important, the anti-oxidant levels in naturally fermented shoyu are hard to match. A recent study by the National University of Singapore reports that the dark soy sauce has antioxidant properties that are 10 times more potent than red wine, and 150 times more effective than vitamin C. They think it's the high concentration of brown pigment in shoyu that is thought to contribute to its strong antioxidant and anticancer properties. So, drink up!
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Rice Bran Oil: This just may be the world's healthiest edible oil. It's a superior salad, cooking, baking and frying oil that leaves no lingering aftertaste. Its other benefits include: High smoke point (higher than peanut or grape seed oil), high in vitamin E, high in many anti-oxidants, and excellent shelf life because it doesn't break down easily. At this price, how can you not at least give it a try? Personally, I am never going back.
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Wasabi Capsules: All of the health benefits of wasabi in a convenient pill. Wasabi is a natural anti-inflammatory. Problem is that, as delicious as Fresh Wasabi is, it is hard to get and doesn't keep well. As unusual as it is for us to sell supplements, this is one we couldn't resist. Plus it works wonders on our son's eczema.
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Reed Avocados: In case you forgot, there are at least 10 good reasons to eat at least one avocado every day. Claims and scientific proof aside, is there really truth when it comes to food? Whether or not any of these claims are true, Reed Avocados are one of those things where the joy of eating one makes the health benefits a sidebar!
- Helps Prevent Prostate Cancer
- Helps Defend Against Oral Cancer: Seeking out pre-cancerous and cancerous oral cancer cells
- Helps Prevent Breast Cancer: High in oleic acid
- Helps Maintain Eye Health As We Age: High in carotenoid lutein
- Helps Lower Cholesterol: High in beta-sitosterol
- Helps Your Heart Stay Healthy: 23% of the recommended daily value of folate.
- Helps Prevent Stroke: High levels of folate
- Improves Fat-Based Nutrient Absorption: Especially lycopene and beta carotene
- Great Source of Glutathione: An important antioxidant which helps prevent aging, cancer, and heart disease.
- A Rich Source of Vitamin E: One of the best fruit sources of vitamin E
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Organic Stone-Cut Oatmeal: When Graham Kerr came to visit the biggest impression he made on us (besides being one of the nicest people we have ever met) was that he had oatmeal every morning to be and stay healthy. Tim tries every morning to have a small bowl of oatmeal, and it does make him feel better, almost like a drug. And, when he doesn't have his oatmeal, he misses it. Oatmeal is high in fiber - including the soluble form of fiber, which can help lower cholesterol. It also has plenty of slow-digesting, complex carbohydrates that keep your energy levels up and your blood sugar stable until lunch. If you are already eating the stuff every morning, don't you think you should at least try the best tasting oatmeal you can find? Join the throngs of oatmeal fans that wouldn't eat any other kind. Organic Oatmeal from Alford – perfect for every day.
Oh, and while you are at it, why not add a scoop of Rice Bran Solubles and double the soluble fiber benefit. Click here to learn more about Soluble Rice Bran.
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Beans: Canned, dried or re-fried - it doesn't matter. Beans are good for you. Like oatmeal, beans are extremely high in fiber, which keeps you regular and may also reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease. Beans are also very versatile and come in a wide range of varieties, all with slightly different textures, colors and flavors. The best approach is to eat a variety of different beans, including black beans, pintos, kidney beans, cannellini beans and garbanzos (chickpeas). Why? Because along with protein and fiber, beans are also very high in antioxidants, those chemicals that give beans their distinctive color and may help neutralize free radicals that can cause cellular damage in the body. By eating plenty of different colored beans, you are taking advantage of the full spectrum of phytochemicals unique to each variety.
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Anchovies, Sardines, Salmon and Black Cod: Big fish, small fish ... There is no way around it, good fish is good for you – especially these four varieties. Their good qualities (high in omega 3 fatty acids) far outweigh any possible bad ones. Nothing like a drizzle of Mandarin Olive Oil over a freshly pan-fried black cod, or a quick add of one anchovy to your favorite tomato sauce. Yum!
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Whole Grains of all kinds. Farro, Emmer, Farro Spezzato, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Einkorn, Millet, you name it. Whole grains are always a better way to go – and with all these options to choose from, you are bound to find one or two that fit just right.
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Balsamic Vinegar: We all know that red wine is supposed to be good for us – except for that pesky alcohol part – right? Well if you think about it, balsamic is made from the same red/purple grapes as red wine so it has all the benefits of red wine, but without the alcohol, and in a more concentrated form. Here is a quick list:
- Red grapes, like those used to make balsamic vinegar, contain a bioflavonoid known as quercetin. It works as an antioxidant and operates with Vitamin C to stimulate the immune system and help fight infection, cancer, and inflammation.
- The seeds in grapes contain a substance called pyenogenols. This substance has a high concentration of antioxidants that help fight arthritis, cardiovascular problems, stress, and allergies.
- The resveratrol in grapes is thought to slow down aging and help fight caner.
- The flavonoids in purple grape juice help prevent the thickening of the arteries that hinder the flow of blood to the heart.
Oh yeah – and good balsamic is so much more delicious than red wine ... So chug-a-lug, people! What are you waiting for?
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Nut Oils: A great way to add a little healthy zip to your cooking. Take your pick – all are high in polyunsaturated fats, and some can add a nice dose of omega 3s to your diet. And all are healthier than that corn oil you have in your pantry right now...
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Olive Oil: There has been a lot of controversy around Extra Virgin Olive Oil lately – especially those products coming out of Italy. I guess many of the inexpensive olive oils on the market are not as "pure" as they claim to be. Keep in mind that cheap olive oil is often old, "watered down" with cheaper oils, or not even olive oil at all. How can you be sure? Make sure the label says "made in" and has a DO designation, look for a press date, don't trust it if it is too cheap, and buy your olive oil from a trusted source – that's what we do.
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Cocoa Powder: Then there was chocolate. We all revel in the fact that chocolate is actually good for you – in moderation, of course. But it is still a little too hot to ship. So, if you are looking to add a little chocolate zip to your life during the summer, here are a few ideas to get you started.
Six Ways to Get Your Summer Chocolate Fix
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RJs Black Licorice: Now that you have fed your body, it's time to feed your soul. Sometimes you just need a little treat to top off the day. This one is my favorite – the one I pull out when I need a little sweet bite. It does have licorice in it – which is good for your digestion, as well your tired adrenals. (Although those benefits just might be outweighed by the presents of sugar...) No high fructose corn syrup here. And for those Washington state residents out there – it contains wheat flour, so no sales tax. (Go figure!)
Most people have never heard of a Pluot. We didn't know too much about them either — until we went to visit the Stennes Family last year. Developed in the 1990's, they are a great combination of about 3/4 plum and 1/4 apricot. Much like a plum, but with great apricot overtones, they are worth trying if you have never had one before. Flavorful, juicy and sweet, these pluots are from the same family that brought you those amazing Rainier Cherries.
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This weeks recipes are all adapted from Alice Water's cookbook, "Chez Panisse Fruit" (Harper Collins, 2002) - one of our staple go-to cookbooks when we want to do something interesting, simple and easy with our fresh fruit of the season. Her recipes are always easy to make, and simply delicious!
Any of these recipes can be adapted easily for peaches, nectarines, apricots and plums. So, don't let the titles deter you...
Pistachio-Stuffed Pluots
Pluot Raspberry Crisp
Pluot Tart
Pluot Sorbet
Pluot Melba with Raspberry Coulis
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