lesley stowe's raincoast crisps - chefshop.com/enews
In this issue:
raincoast crisps

Tarbais Beans


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Recipes of the Week
Naturally salty fish. Perfect to season with and to flavor your dishes. Called the poor mans caviar, shave or grate, this is one of the great Italian secrets.
betcha' can't eat just one!
There are only a few items at the warehouse that we snack on continuously. We're surrounded by great food. We eat oatmeal almost every morning and I have been known to eat it as a late night snack. We consume honey on toast, in tea or coffee, and by the spoonful in hot water when we're sick.
Yet, when we want something to munch and crunch we turn to raincoast crisps. These addictive crackers are like the ad that ran so long ago, "betcha can't eat just one". This truly applies to this crispy cracker from our neighbors to the north. On a good day British Columbia and Raincoast Crisps are just two and half hours away.
With five flavors you'll surely find a favorite to have by your side ... There's not a universal favorite here in the warehouse; we each have at least one. Mine is cinnamon raisin, with cranberry and hazelnut following closely behind. Eliza, who is much more savory than I (or is it that I am sweeter than her,) chooses the olive and fig.
We sample raincoast crisps all day long in the store and sometimes even offer them to customers. They love them too.
Topped with a thin layer of cream cheese and honey or a sophisticated high brow cheese with a savory marmalade, it's all good! And like the potato chip, these crackers go great on top of mac and cheese!
Shop now for raincoast crisps
Tarbais Beans
Every year about this time we get requests for Tarbais beans from France. This white bean is the similar to the cannellini from Italy. However, according to the aficionado's of the Tarbais, nothing matches the Rougé Label Haricot from Tarbes. With it's Indication Geographique Protégée these beans are truly grown in the region they claim.
We have found many "claimed" French Tarbais' for sale, though none can show the provenance that we look for, until now. We have the bag to prove it. You can shop now for the original kilo bag, or for the re-pack one pound bag.
Fresh from the most recent harvest, these beans are just in time for Cassoulet season. Paula Wolfert's recipe is made with ham hocks, pork shoulder, pork skin, pancetta, prosciutto, a couple of duck legs, and a bunch of veggies thrown in. This is the perfect combatant to the piles of snow everyone seems to be having this year! And if you don't like pork, there are many options; substitute with mutton, smoked goose breast, beef sausage ...
The Tarbais is still harvested by hand, and only when it is at peak ripeness. This labor-intensive process is the only way to insure the quality of the final product. These are beautiful beans!
Shop now for Tarbais Beans
What-is-it contest
These three grains of origin are,
Following the harvest star.
Born a King on Bethlehem's plain,
Rain we bring to grow it again.
King for ever, growing forever,
Over us all is grain.
How to enter: Identify the grains from left to right, and list them in order from oldest to youngest.
Email us at shopkeeper@chefshop.com with your guess. Please use the subject line: contest.
We will pick one winner from all the correct answers. The winner will receive 1 pound of each grain and have their first name published to all our friends in the ChefShop.com Newsletter and on FB.
Shop now for the grains of the ages.

San Giacomo
Agro di Mosto is bottled very early to capture the fruity aroma and it's unique and full flavor.
The cooked must of the grapes and the shortness of development make for a thick feel and a wonderful mouth with pleasant acidity.
A great "table" condiment that is priced to use liberally. Think salads, marinades for both fish and meat, or as a finish to almost anything grilled.
Recipes of the Week |
Paula Wolfert's Toulouse-style Cassoulet
A classic Cassoulet recipes. Paula's recipes are always great and everyone should have at least one, if not all, of her cookbooks!
Marian Burros Mac n' Cheese
It seems like it's been ages since Marian came and "opened" our store on her book tour for "Cooking for Comfort". And while I listen to the radio about the giant snow storms to the east, it seems like nothing could be better than a warm fire and a plate of mac n' cheese.
Risotto with Red Cabbage and Pancetta
From Marcella Cucina, one of my all time favorite cookbooks. Though all of Marcella's cookbooks are worth having, this is the first one she autographed to me!