Baking Flours, Fabulous Reeds, Halloween Lollis and much more -
In this issue:
Baking Flour

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Recipes of the Week
Mangalitsa Bacon
The next batch of bellies goes in the smoker today. Pre-order now as there is a limited supply of bellies for the rest of the year. The orders are flowing in as the bacon has gained in appreciation and thus popularity. We do only small batches of Mangalitsa Bacon at a time. Smoked-to-order once-a-week, this is a great bacon. Unlike all the other great ones out there, this bacon is an ingredient with the fat that adds so much flavor.
It's Baking Season - Flour!
It's baking season! Flours of all kinds have been sprouting up all across the board.
As we mix it up in the kitchen, sifting new flours into recipes makes for a great switch on old favorites. Because the differences of the flours, like hardness and softness, grains and grind, makes for some really interesting twists in the final mouth feel. Using
emmer/farro flour
(Triticum dicoccum) for instance, in a scone, means less gluten which changes the composition, making a crumbly, yummy mess, that is not dry or hard.
Or, when you use
double "zero" flour to make pizza dough or pasta, just the finer grind makes a for a nicer "feel". Good bite and not as much chew when the "00" is made from durum wheat. Think holiday breads as you pick your flours.
The Silver Spoon
cookbook in the "Desserts and Sweet treats" recommends " - extremely fine, white and dry", and to "sift it first so that there will be no lumps".
Think of
Millet flour soup
- okay so it's not baking, but it's simple to make and authentically Italian.
How about a
garbanzo flour and ginger cake
to bake.
Make a
barley flour
crust for your next Apple Pie or Pear tart.
It's still early, but the bakers are baking, and ingredients are jumping off the shelves.
Order early so you have it at-the-ready, for when inspiration inspires you, you can make soup, bake a cake, roll out some pasta, or have a pie. Nothing says love like a baked good.
Check out the varieties of Flour!
Herman Ranch Reed Avocados
We breathe a sigh of relief as the first palate of Reeds have arrived on the "docks" of the warehouse. Not just any variety of avocado, Reeds are the royalty of avocados and it is so very exciting!
As I sample some sliced almonds, covered in spices and peppers, I dream of the cooling rich butteriness of the
Reed Avocado
. If they weren't waiting for a photo shoot, I would rip one open to soothe my pallete.
There are so many ways to enjoy this
luscious fruit.
The coloring, a soft greenish yellow, makes one nice palet of color. The color alone writes "inspiration" and "ideas"!
Organic Reed Avocados from California
are amazing! About 90% of the avocado crop in the US is grown in California - and about 90% of those of the Haas Avocado variety - the avocado you most typically see in the grocery store or in the market. The Reed is a small crop, reserved for those lucky enough to be near Southern California farmers markets. Reeds are so delicious and a total favorite of those that have had them, they should take center stage!
If you haven't tried them yet, it's worth it! Think sliced on a salad or on a sandwich, or scooped with a spoon, California Avocados are here! The best of the best!
Support your Family Farm - Reed Avocados
Sweet H
It's a spooky time coming up; where Witches and Warlocks roam the streets of Washington, as well as more modern versions of heroes, and scary people come out at night to knock on doors requesting treats and sweets.
A great way to celebrate is with a colorful
Halloween Lolli.
Priced to eat one or give away many, it says a lot. Nothing like a sweet sucker to have in your breast pocket just in case you meet the unexpected politician.
Made in the same manner as glass shaping, these
handmade Lolli's are twirled
and twisted just south of Seattle on a big, flat table. It's sugar and lace that makes these cool puffs of candy and cane really very nice.
Pumpkins, goblins, monsters, black cats named Eddie, and basement stairs, it's a foodie's holiday, to eat and make silly treats. Cookies covered in skeletons, cakes that look like smashing pumpkins, peeled grapes impersonating eyeballs, jell-o wiggling like brains, zombie hair made of
squid ink pasta squirming
on the plate, and finger cookies shaped like, fingers! Whether you bake or make, it's a good time to throw out the rules and let the look be your guide.
Halloween is the third biggest party night of the year in our nation. Behind New Year's Eve and The Superbowl. In the neighborhood of $6 billion will be spent to celebrate. A whopping $1.8 billion is spent on candy alone! So, we offer up, for the first time, some Halloween Lollis so that we might get our .008% of the sweet candy that is Halloween.
Shop now for Halloween!

Homemade Steak Sauce
This tasty sauce is new for the award winning Hawkshead Relish Company.
It is a very, very tasty, tomato-based steak sauce - not oozing, indistinguishable brown or orange like the big boys make. It is tangy - thanks to the tomatoes, tamarind and a touch of malt vinegar - with a nice finish of sweetness - that's the molasses - and just a pinch of heat - from horseradish.
It is great for burgers or chops and it will enhance any dogs, burgers or brats that come from your grill.

Just-in-Updates |
Mama Lils Pickled Green Beans
Are back in stock! So good they qualify for "spoon-ready", except fingers work better!
Green Tomato Chutney
Perfect for cheese and cold meats, this little jar is just one of the many treats from Hawkshead Relish Company that you should have in your pantry!
Cooking Classes Coming Up |
Cooking with Heritage Grains
White rice is out, and heritage grains are all the rage. Just as independent farms throughout the US are working to resurrect ancient grains we thought were lost to the American diet all together, we are coming up with new and delicious ways to bring them to our dinner table. Black Nile Barley, Red Quinoa, Emmer, Spelt, Brown Rice, Millet and Einkorn are just a few of the the exotic names we hear. Chef Lauren will show you how to make them right.
NEW: La Cocina Mexicana
Mexican cooking is full of subtle techniques, savory ingredients you never expected, and combinations of flavors that make your eyes pop... and our taste buds smile. And since the class ends with feasting on the dishes we prepared, you'll go home with more than enthusiasm for the delicious cuisine.
NEW: Cooking for the Sultan
The cookbooks of the era reveal the Ottoman court culture to have been as food obsessed as the most passionate modern foodies. Relive Chef Lesa's trip to Istanbul, and savor recipes from the kitchens of Topkapai Palace as she discusses the rich history of this ancient cuisine, and recreates some of their dishes.
This Weeks Recipes |
Millet Flour Soup
Adapted from The Silver Spoon
this recipe was simple and we had everything on hand to test it. It kept it's heat even after it was spooned out into the bowl. Simple, but a great place to start or just to eat.
Garbanzo Flour and Ginger Cake
A ginger sugar crust with a bean-ginger inners, how cool is that!
Master Barley Flour Pie Crust
Barley has a sweet character and similar enough to make a great substitute for wheat flour. You can also use black barley flour as well.