Liquid Gold, Rosy Water and much more -
In this issue:
Argan Oil

Rose Flower Water

10 yr Balsamic

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barley flour
perfect for biscuits & pasta
peppermint tea
packed with mint!
sweet soy
syrupy soy, perfect marinade
gluten free
chocolate cake
sesame seed - essential ingredient in hummus
orange blossom water
Orange flower water, also known as orange blossom water, is a wonderfully perfumy distillation of bitter-orange blossoms. Orange-flower water may be a flavoring in baked goods - it is often a secret ingredient in French madeleines - as well as various sweet and savory dishes and a variety of drinks.
Liquid Gold
Argan Oil for your health!
Argan oil - the hidden gem in skin preservation and a wonderful preservation of our inner being.
Is it hype or truth?
What is true is that a little goes a long way. Use as a dab on your face or as a finish to a salad, argan oil has the power to change.
Argan oil is now being researched and tested for positive health benefits. Not only can it be used to rejuvenate your skin and make you look good, argan oil has shown to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol. Some initial testing has shown that this "liquid gold" may reverse the metabolic changes that occur from high sugar diet, to naturally fight diabetes, and with its high levels of antioxidants it has shown initially that argan oil may retard the growth of many of the cancer cells associated with prostate cancer.
That's a pretty impressive list of potential goodness packed in an oil. Now, it is important to understand there is no scientific evidence or studies that we can point to "prove" these claims. Now don't conclude that if a little amount is good, a whole bottle a day is better. It's not.
Use argan oil sparingly for culinary use, and the results will be extra special. Argan oil when combined with almonds invigorates both nuts into a wonderful amlou that is a treat on bread. When it comes to greens, argan oil makes for an inspired change in your vinaigrette.
Did you know we now have Tahini? Combine this with chickpeas and add argan oil to make a wonderful, creamy hummus. Or make a tomato salad topped with Feta drizzled with Argan oil. Simple, quick and delicious.
Called liquid gold, called a miracle oil, with claims as big as curing the world's issues, Argan Oil is good for acne, stretch marks, age lines, dry, dull, or frizzy hair, Eczema and Psoriasis; it's food for the skin. Here, we just think about it as food for our soul.
Shop now Moroccan untoasted Argan Oil!
Rose Flower Water
Rose water is a distillation of rose petals that has the intensely perfume flavor and fragrance of its source. Rose water has been a popular flavoring for millennia in the cuisines of North Africa, Middle East, India and China. Morocco is especially know for its fields of roses that are used to produce some of the most fragrant rose water available - indeed, even some "French" rose water is produced in Morocco.
Exotic as rose water seems today, many people forget that it was a common and popular flavoring in this country, too, when rose water and lemon were used to flavor baked goods which were often made with ingredients like pork fat and maple sugar. These strong flavored ingredients were tamed down with the scents of rose or lemon.
Shop now for Rose Flower Water
This bottle holds 4 times the amount of La Vecchia Despensa 10-yr balsamic, and normally we only sell it to restaurant chefs. We've decided to offer this incredibly delicious deal to all of our customers!
This relative youngster is much more versatile than any balsamic made with wine vinegar, regardless of its age or price.
As they will tell you at La Vecchia Dispensa, creating a young versatile balsamic with the right balance of acidity and sweetness is a true art; the art of blending. Just the right amount of old balsamic, with its sweet but complex flavor profile, needs to be added to younger balsamic, with its feisty acidity, along with a splash of wine vinegar. That's what they've done with their "Quadrato" - called 10-yr balsamic, to give people a sense of the aged vinegars used in the blending.
Sweet and sour act in harmony toward a slow, dry finish. This is one of our favorite, all-purpose balsamics - its depth of flavor gives it a versatility that outshines all cheap imitators, and many authentic balsamics as well.
Shop now for 10 yr Balsamic!

Argan Oil

This plum vinegar is an wonderful change from apple cider vinegar to deglaze meat, or as a base to a bright and fruity salad dressing. This USDA organic vinegar is mead based, which makes for a much lower acidity in this vinegar. This is not filtered or pasteurized, a truly natural product that will add an unexpected zest to a multitude of dishes.
Taste of Argentina - Easter Coming - and Cooking Classes |
Cooking Classes with Chef Lesa - cooking the winter farmer's market
Chase away the winter blahs in seasonal style! Lesa will show you how to make the most of the winter harvest and give you tips on selecting, storing and preparing your goods. Learn the meatless secret of savory Sunchoke, Lentil and Walnut Pate; take familiar flavors into new territory with Reisling-Braised Apples and Leek; let the Black Barley Risotto with Greens, Beans and Goat Cheese make eating healthy an easy treat; a spoonful of Roasted Butternut Squash and Parsnip Soup with Herb Oil will make you wish for winter without end. We'll also serve up a Sweet Potato and Dried Fig Tsimmes-a healthy holiday dessert perfect for every day of the week.
Naturally Smoked Bone-in Heritage Ham! Easter is way Early this year!
Easter is April 8th! Mark it down and order up early! No leftovers! We have to order early to get them in the smoker in time for the holiday. Order now!
TASTE OF ARGENTINA free tasting event this coming Saturday, March 3rd
at Stop on by and meet Maria before she flies back home to Argentina. Maria will talk about the culinary traditions of Argentina, and Culinary Expert, Nancy Hebb, will be whipping up some "local" dishes using traditional Argentinean ingredients for everyone to taste.
Stop by any time between 12:00 and 4:00, and come hungry.
Here are the details:
LOCATION: Retail Store (1425 Elliott Ave West)
DATE: Saturday, March 3rd
TIME: 12:00pm to 4:00pm
See you there!