Summer Spice Fennel Pollen, Cherry Recipe - Clafouti and more at - eat simply! live well! - enews
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Italian Wild Fennel Pollen

Magical fairy dust seeker.
Fennel pollen hunter

The history of magical dust is a long and secret story that is rarely shared amongst mere mortals.

This secret is not in the history books but is, in fact, shared in code via the secret communicator called children’s stories.

Our story starts here in the ancient library of Britain. We had gone to look for Shakespeare, but instead we found a guy named Benedict, an actor in disguise as Hamlet, who knew of the origins we sought. He spoke to us in iambic pentameter about fairy & pixie dust and the importance of the Leprechaun’s pot of gold. He said that the origins of the secret dust came from Italy in Umbria and that a special man had carried on and had passed on the secret of capturing this pot of gold, known commonly as Wild Umbrian Fennel Pollen, with love to his son.

The secret lies in the gathering of the pollen, he continued. Selecting only the best and the brightest yellow amongst all the flora in the summer and carefully shaking the florets to relieve and capture just the pollen. It is then dried in the shade, away from the harshness' of the God Helios. It is this attention to the process and detail that makes this fabulous.

The process takes an enormous amount of time and patience is required. The result is indeed the fairy dust we seek. This Wild Umbrian Fennel Pollen is like no other on the planet. Its bright yellow coloring is created by microscopic little angels, mimicking a flower. 

And like the magical stories we have read it only takes a tiny dusting to change our palates forever! Transforming fowl or fish, or a touch to a green vegetable, it is amazing what this secret mythical “dust" can do! You can feel the heartbeat of the pixie in every bite!

It can top almost everything you eat in the summer, from grilled veggies to fowl of any kind. Our stand-by standard is this Fennel Pollen Chicken Recipe. Oil, salt & pepper and fennel pollen. It’s that easy! And is even better!

Shop now for best dried herb of the season!

* Easy Squeezy simple Clafouti Recipe It's Clafoutis Time!
Perfect or good cherries, it doesn't matter. Clafoutis is one of the easiest, greatest, simplest, delicious, tasting, healthy for you, (sort of) recipes you can make blindfolded. And this time of year it's time for cherries and cherry clafoutis!

Today "Clafoutis" is made with any fruit inside, yet tradition makes it with dark red cherries. The traditional recipe from the Limousin Region of France called for whole cherries, pits and all. The pits were thought to add the flavor of almond, though hard to believe they really can release the amygdalin with just a little baking.

We have removed the pits and replaced the white flour with almond flour. The result is just right, perhaps as the original recipe was envisioned.

The Limousin Region is known for a few things. The oldest, perhaps, is cattle. Cave drawings of an animal in the Lascaux Cave near Montignac, France are 20,000 years old and resemble the Golden-Red beef cattle you seen in Limousin today. This sturdy breed, a hardy bunch, live outside year round in France and are the leader in muscle growth.

Limousin is not about wine or whisky and it doesn’t really make Cognac. What it does have are oak trees that create the wood barrels for the great producers of Brandy and Cognac of France, and the whisky makers of Scotland. This coarse grain Quercus pedunculata is perfect for Cognac and Bourbon.

Click here to get the Recipe!

* Balsa Mela Apple Balsamic Not too sweet
Apple Balsamic

We love just about everything made by Andrea of Acetaia San Giacomo. But Balsa Mela, or Apple Balsamic, is a particularly inspired creation:. It's made from fresh apples and heated in the same way as traditional balsamic, then reduced and allowed to acidify. In addition to using it in familiar vinegar applications, Andrea suggests making a unique thirst quencher - just dilute with water and sip.

Shop now for Balsa Mela!

* Organic Herman Ranch Reed Avocados Reed Avocados, fruit as big as a softball!

The hot, dry weather has made an impact on the Reed Avocados. Ready sooner than anyone can remember, they might be big enough (1 pound or more) in less than two weeks. Peter and Bonnie have planted new trees this year and thinned the older ones. So the change in weather combined with fewer trees means a smaller crop. So if you know the avocados it's time to order them up. Limited supply this year. The cutoff will happen quickly so be on your toes!

Skip the healthy benefits, (they won't skip you) and go for the amazing creamy texture and smooth flavor! These babies are the cat's pajamas in the world of avocados!

Pre-order now for limited crop of Reed Avocados!

* Etruria Plum Vinegar Plum Vinegar

This plum vinegar is a wonderful change from apple cider vinegar to deglaze meat, or as a base to a bright and fruity salad dressing. This USDA organic vinegar is mead based, which makes for a much lower acidity. This is not filtered or pasteurized, and is a truly natural product that will add an unexpected zest to a multitude of dishes.

Shop now for Plum Vinegar!

* French Buckwheat Honey Les Ruchers de Bourgogne
Buckwheat honey

Buckwheat was an important crop in the US from about 1930 to the 1960's, which has since faded from use, and buckwheat honey has become scarce in the US. Actually it is scarce everywhere.

A dark amber color, Buckwheat has a very strong, very distinct flavor.

Very molassess'ee and rich. And very liquidy and runny. A recent study has shown buckwheat honey to be more effective than over-the-counter cough syrup at treating childhood cough.

Try buckwheat on your oatmeal tomorrow instead of brown sugar. Your throat will be happy you did.

Shop now for French Buckwheat Honey!

* Sweet Washington cherries Second Cherry Report

The Bing cherries have shipped! 9 1/2 row, red and a good crunch. Juicy and pop in your mouth good.

This is the first time the reds shipped before the lights were done. The Bings are always a bit of a shock. The intense cherry flavor is a sharp contrast to the light skinned cherries. And what a nice change.

And now in just a few days we can have another round of light skinned Rainiers to compare! Fun!

Rainiers - 4 pounds -   Shipping on Wednesday the 5th of July  

Bings - SHIPPED!  

Lapins - 5 Pounds - Currently estimated to harvest ship soon in early JULY, 2017  

Sweethearts - 5 Pounds - Currently estimated to ship in JULY, 2017

Shop now for all the Cherries!

* Rainier Cherries Sweet Rainier Cherries

The Rainier Cherry. The most famous and loved "light skinned" cherry of the season! With more "cherry" flavor than the Early Robin, but without the sharpness that the red flesh cherries have.

There is a reason that they are the favorite, they are just darned good.

Get a bite of the Sweet Washington Rainier Cherry. Shipping next Wednesday! Just enough for a few more orders! Don't hesitate!

Order your Rainiers now!

Cooking Classes

Cooking Classes Cooking in Sicily Class

Although its cuisine has a lot in common with Italian cuisine, Sicilian food also has Greek, Spanish, French and Arab influences. Come "travel" to Palermo and experience its food and surroundings, and learn what Sicilian cooking is all about with Chef Karen Binkhorst. Menu Pesto alla Trapani, Aeolian Spring Crustini, Cauliflower Fritters, Pakermo Style Salad, Little Soft Almond Biscuits.

Cooking the Classic Sicilian Kitchen!

Store Hours

Monday thru Saturday 10AM to 5PM.

Saturday is a great time to visit!
1425 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Wa 98119

Store Parking
The big one is much easier to park in. Click here to see the map.


This Weeks Recipes

Roasted Bosc Pear & Cinnamon Recipe

This is a wonderful dessert and perfect when made with Bosc Pears -- since Bosc pears hold together well. Clofouti is best served warm - right from the skillet. If you do not have a cast-iron skillet, another over-proof dish would work fine. Serve with vanilla ice cream.

Recipe was adapted from The Bon Appetit Cookbook, (Conde Naste Publications, 2008).

Pork Chops w/Blueberries Recipe

Using the fruit to keep the pork moist and tasty!

Pasta with Broccoli, Gorgonzola and Walnuts Recipe

This recipe is from the back of Giuseppe's Stringozzi made with 50% farro flour, and 50% durum wheat pasta. Although we made this recipe with 50% whole grain farro pasta, you can also use any pasta with a nice bite.

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