Black Garlic Elixir Creme, Hard to believe something can be this good, Black Caviar - not for fish and more at - eat simply! live well! - enews
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Black Garlic Molasses

Molasses made from Black Garlic

This is so amazingly good! Imagine garlic being spoon ready! This is a spoonful of food heaven!

Black garlic is a natural “reaction” of sugar & amino acids in fresh garlic turning into a gooey sticky, black inky, celestial, musical, sweet flavor rich, umami-packed taste.

Louis Camille Maillard, a professor of medicine at the University of Paris took on the "study of the reaction of amino acids & sugar" in 1912. His work won several awards, including the French Academy of Medicine in 1914 and was rewarded with the reaction being named after him.

And though you might not be familiar with black garlic (at least tasting it), the reaction ( The Maillard Reaction) that created it you have tasted. Coffee roasting is a Maillard Reaction. And so is the browning of meats when grilled, crust that has darkened in pretzels, chocolate and even malted barley! The Maillard reaction is everywhere, at least when you are eating.

Understand that caramelization is not the same, though similar in many ways, Maillard is a reaction that involves the amino acids. Caramelization is pyrolysis of specific sugars. Pyrolysis is organic material exposed to high temperatures, such as lava coming in contact with a tree. Effectively char.

Simply, Maillard Reaction is the process of cooking meat to perfection versus my cooking on a BBQ grill and creating char.

Black Garlic Molasses tasting notes.

To the nose it smells like garlic. A lot like a jar of crushed garlic. With a hint of sweetness.

To the taste buds it's a totally different sensation. It comes across you mouth like a sweet squeezable sensation that will leave you sucking your cheeks in for more.

The first taste, in a big swig spoonful, is a sweetness that is not too sweet. It’s like a spoonful of sugar without being too sugary. And as the finish finishes and the sensation drifts away, the garlic flavor rolls around your mouth as you chase it moving your tongue up and down as your cheeks involuntarily move in and out! It is like nothing you have ever had at the same time being totally familiar.

Shop now for Black Garlic Molasses

* Roasted Duck Stock Roasted Duck Stock

This roasted duck and chicken stock is reduced to a flavorful glacé in the hand-made classic French tradition.

More Than Gourmet's insistence on exacting preparation in the old-world style of the French classics has created a concentrated stock that delivers pure, intense taste and texture. Glace de Canard Gold will add deep flavor and rich, roasted color to your favorite dishes and your grandest sauces.

Shop Now for Roasted Duck Stock!

* Chocolate Caviar from Venchi Chocolate Caviar

What better gift for the refined chocolate lover with a sense of humor than Italian chocolatier Venchi's "Chocaviar"? This caviar-lookalike jar is filled with tiny dark-chocolate nibbles - and that is 90% dark chocolate we're talking about, with just a touch of vanilla.

"My Mom loves these. She eats one a day...."

Shop now for Chocolate Caviar!

* Black Truffle Caviar Where the future makes

Black Truffle Caviar

With the look and feel of caviar, but the distinct taste of black winter truffle, this "caviar" rocks! Not salty in the way traditional caviars can be, its delicate, smooth-feeling black bubbles are a great surprise as the truffle flavor peeks its head up and says "hello" to your taste buds.

Like penny candy, these little spheres float in your mouth like a topping on ice cream; a savory treat that puts a smile on your face like a memory from the candy store. The ultimate savory candy treat!!

Shop now for Black Truffle Caviar!

* Black Caviar Lentils Black Caviar Lentils!

Think Beluga, think small, think black and you have these fabulous non-gmo lentils! This time of year when our plates of food seem to be covered in lighter colored foods, like turkey and mashed potatoes, it's nice (and screaming easy) to add a little color to the plate.

These black lentils add beautiful color and contrast to a pork chop dinner with green peas. Or, if you want to confuse your guests, a nicely cooked white fish topped with black caviar truffles on a bed of black lentils is not only gorgeous, it makes the Black Caviar Truffles pop!

Verified Non-GMO, Certified Kosher and Parve.

Shop now for Black Caviar Lentils!

* San Giacomo Gold Seal Balsamico Tradizionale Gold Seal Tradizionale

Acetaia of Ancient San Giacomo in Reggio-Emilia has with barrels of the black gold already in excess of 50 years when it began its commercial life a few years ago.

Shop now for Gold Seal Balsamico Tradizionale!

* Slitti Italian Creamy Dark Hazelnut Spread Creamy Dark Hazelnut Spread!


Upon opening the jar you smell the hazelnuts entwined with cocoa. You press your popsicle stick in expecting resistance and instead the smooth, creaminess of the Gianera is not only surprising, it is absolutely delightful! It’s immediately obvious why this has won a Gold Bar twice for Best Spreading Cream.

So many dessert chocolate sauces achieve a cream feel with an addition of fructose syrups and the like. Gianera, on the other hand, is nothing but round and mild Piedmontese hazelnuts from the “Langhe” area, sugar and cocoa!

Shop now for award-winning Slitti Gianera!

* Jq-Dickinson-Heirloom-Finishing-Salt Finishing Salt!

We've been seeing a lot of “artisan” salt these days and they all have one thing in common; they're all pretty salty. The refinement of flavor has been limited at best. This salt is not only exceptional, it’s the exception! Its soft feel to the touch results in the same to the dish. It's so good that you can't wait to finish with it.

Shop now for Dickinson Heirloom Finishing Salt!

* San Ignacio Dulce d Leche Maillard Reaction

Dulce de Leche

Delectably thick and creamy, this silky-smooth concoction has a rich mouth feel and a deep, dark caramel flavor that's not too sweet. It's the milk that makes it great!

Dulce de leche is a traditional artisan dairy product created with fresh milk, sugar and vanilla.

In Argentina and throughout South America, dulce de leche is an absolutely indispensable product to have around the house, and it's often eaten simply spread on toast. One of the most delicious ways to enjoy it is simply to heat it and serve over vanilla or coffee ice cream . . . heaven! You can also drizzle it over cakes, cookies and fresh fruit, especially bananas, and it's included in some pastries and other desserts. It makes a to-die-for crêpe filling and pancake topping.

Shop now for Argentina Dulce de Leche!

* Ras EL Hanout Fragrant and Exotic

Ras el Hanout

This is the iconic Moroccan spice blend that brings complexity, depth, and beguiling flavor to your cooking.

In Moroccan, Ras el Hanout means “head of the shop.” (It’s actually pronounced “Ras ha’-newt,’” without the “el.”) Traditionally, the mix is a mélange of the best spices a merchant has to offer. And since Ras is a gentle, slightly sweet blend, it doesn’t contain edgier, more aggressive flavors like cayenne or cumin.

In Morocco, you never get exactly the same mixture twice. In the States, we also find many variations of Ras el Hanout, but far from top-of-the-line ingredients, these mixes tend to be bottom of the barrel. So when Mehdi—a native Moroccan who now calls Seattle home—came to us and said he was bringing the flavor of Ras el Hanout from Morocco, we were thrilled! It’s taken him nearly two years to find the best purveyors and perfect his recipe (you’d think he’d traveled the original Spice Road in that amount of time), but it’s been well worth it!

Shop now for Villa Jerada Ras el Hanout!

* India Tree Dark Muscovado Sugar The Marinade Secret Ingredient

Dark Muscovado sugar is one heavy sugar. Full of flavor it can transform the mundane to insane! Try it with your favorite recipe and see if it can make life better! Muscovado is a soft, moist, fine brown sugar. It's also known as Barbados sugar, where it was once made. But ours comes from the island of Mauritius off the African coast. While most brown sugar these days is made by combining already-refined sugar with added molasses-like syrup, this is the real thing: a less refined product with rich, complex flavor. Dark Muscovado is the real deal!

Shop now for Dark Muscovado Sugar!

Cooking Classes

Cooking Classes Greek Summer Small Plates Class Thursday

Mediterranean food is filled with healthy ingredients and fabulous flavors. Join Chef Erin as she demonstrates some of the delicious Greek dishes that you can easily make at home! Dishes include: Beet, Chickpea and Almond Dip, Laganes (Greek Flat Bread), Greek Pasta Salad, Hortopita (Greek Pie with Spinach, Tomato and Feta), Garides Saganaki (Spicy Shrimp and Tomatoes) and Honeyed Yogurt and Berries.

Greek Summer Small Plates Class! Special Pricing for Newsletter readers.

Store Hours

Monday thru Saturday 10AM to 5PM.

Come by and taste the Black Garlic Molasses. You won't believe the Umami flavor! It is amazing.
1425 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Wa 98119

Store Parking
The big one is much easier to park in. Click here to see the map.


This Weeks Recipes

Muscovado & Mustard Dressing Recipe

This quick dressing goes perfectly with ham. And great on mashed or roasted potatoes.

Marinated Flank Steak Recipe

An Asian marinade for meat from A terrific, tangy marinade for grilled meat or chicken. We love this marinaded flank steak with a simple plate of rice and a green vegetable.

Papaya in Syrup with Dutch Ball Cheese Recipe

This recipe courtesy of Chef David Sterling, Executive Chef and Founder of Los Dos Cooking School in Merida, Mexico

This delicious dessert is one of the most popular on the Yucatecan menu. I equate it to the fruit and cheese course of a French meal; papaya is cooked in a sugar and honey syrup, then served with bits of Edam cheese. While it may sound strange, the Edam is the cheese of choice in Yucatan. It's heritage there goes back to the Dutch sailors (and pirates) who scouted the coasts of the peninsula for about 200 years during the powerful rule of the Dutch West India Company. I use the Tajonal Organic Honey, which will nicely compliment the old world spices.


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