Stocking Stuffers & Favorite Foods of the year, Brrr it's cold outside! and more at - eat simply! live well! - enews
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Stocking Stuffer and Traditions
A wonderful time of year!
Stocking Stuffer's Traditions

This week, today especially, it truly feels like winter is here. In the Northwest the thermometer belies the truth of what it really is. Even at what one would consider a sultry winter temperature of 43 degrees, the air is saturated with moisture, filled with arrows of water, if you will, that pierce the skin. No matter how much you wear you are cold to the bone.

So, I’m thankful when I go inside to research the origins of food and find their place in history during this time of year.

Not quite as romantic as searching the tombs of King Tutankhamun for the first jar of honey, it does allow time to study, read and test recipes by the warm stove.

What I have learned is that food passed from generation to generation is not only about the recipe and the correct ingredients (which often change over time), it is indeed the stories, the rituals, that follow to mold and meld, to create and perpetuate family food tradition.

It is also why we started so many years ago our own ritual of food stocking stuffers (you can see them here) and our list of favorite foods of the year. (listed below with photos). To share with you, our extended family of food people.

Stocking Stuffers Here!

* Summerdown Mints Summerdown Mints

A special mint grown in a special place matched with the right chocolate make perfection!

Shop now for Chocolate Summerdown Mints!

* Stollen for Christmas Stollen for Christmas

With a center core of Marzipan and rum raisins, they are baked for us almost daily!

Shop now for Christollen!

* Moroccan Pantry Trio of Morocco!!

These three Moroccan "basics" can make your pantry perfect! Mix together & make any dish swing!

Shop now for the taste of Morocco!

* Olive Oil Olio Nuovo Olio Nuovo!

The new oils are arriving! The fall 2017 Harvest may be one of the most unusual in the last 20 years. Only time and taste will tell.

Shop now for New Harvest Oils!

* Balsamic Vinegar 100 Year Balsamic

Centurion - 100 Year old Balsamic Vinegar in a very special bottle. For that very special person, shipping included.

Shop now for Balsamic Vinegar!

* Shoyu 3 kings The 3 Shoyu Kings!

These 3 kings of Shoyu are remarkable! The flavor of each is unique and worth having on hand!

Shop Now for Shoyu!

* Cleopatra's Chocolate Pearls Cleopatra's Crispy Chocolate Pearls

A longtime ago, well before written history, or at least typewriters, a discovery of evidence shows that man had discovered (these) pearls. The best gift for you or yourself ...

Shop now for Cleopatra's Pearls!

* Gift Certificate Give the Gift of Food!

Any denomination increment of $25. Give the joy of food and choice at the same time!

Give the Gift of Food!

Holiday Hours Start this Weekend! Open Sunday!

Holiday Store Hours

Monday thru Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM. Sunday 12 to 4 PM

It's a wonderful time to come by and visit. Gather a taste of Panettone and have a slice of buttered stollen, on the house! Along with a cup of Chai and cup of hot chocolate this is a wonderful time of year.
1425 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Wa 98119

Store Parking
The big one is much easier to park in. Click here to see the map.
This Week's Recipes

Easy Clafouti Recipe

Any fruit will do. Served warm out of the oven, or chilled later it is so easy and delicious.

Winter Greens and Farro Recipe

A nice emmer dish. You can use einkorn or spelt, really any farro will work.

Chermoula Chicken Recipe

Nothing complex here. Really. Take the chicken and cover in chermoula in a bag. Add to a pot and cook and your done! Get classic flavors of Morocco without much "hands on" time.

See what you missed in previous Newsletters

Decorating Ideas, Fruitcake Not a Joke, Cookies are Biscuits

Best Favorite Creative Food Gifts of 2017

New - Lemon Coconut Cream - Sienna Tradition Toll-free:
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