Shipping cut-off for ground is now! Olio Verde, Decembers Oil, New oil, New Harvest Tasting notes and more at - eat simply! live well! - enews
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Olio Nuovo, Olio Novello, Decembers New Oil
The new oils have arrived!!
Optimism is the message of the Olio Nuovo! The best gift you can give this year!

Olio Nuovo, Olio Novello, December's New Oil is all about a fruitful and prosperous harvest. It has been known to establish and predict what the upcoming year will bring in fruit, harvest, life.

The first taste of oils this year was filled with a vibrant, and I mean vibrant & alive, bitterness across the board, except for one. The spoonful filled the mouth with oily, olivey, fruity and bitternessy that enveloped across the tongue. (Normally bitter is only on the edges.) It was a wild ride that rode to the back of the throat as it burned and the unstoppable cough came. Wow!

Then 36 hours later, with the burn still tingling, the oil mellowed dramatically and the second taste was much calmer. Overall, the nuances of olive flavor came, with the bitter edges being pushed aside.

Across the board, this year's harvest has character, an unexpected bitterness that is pleasant, and is transitioning to becoming strong, opinionated, flavorful and optimistic.

The harvest, the Olio Nuovo, takes a year to grow and one can never predict the end result. Every year it is the same (you can recognize the “touch” of the artisan) and it is different because Mother Nature is ever changing. This is the first year that I can remember (in 20 years) that all the oils have one distinct characteristic shared in common, it is a bitter, no, strong, edginess that is predicting a year of strength, change and fruitfulness!

Imagine these two very simple ways to eat the wonderfulness of a new oil. An open-celled Italian bread, freshly sliced, drenched in Olio Nuovo and sprinkled with a nice crunchy sea salt. Or, a straight pasta cooked al dente, drizzled with new oil and a few capers. Time to celebrate family!

Shop now for Olio Nuovo Here!

Shipping Cut off for East of the Mississippi is now! Check the shipping chart for where you are shipping to!

* Fattoria di Petroio Olio Nuovo Fattoria di Petroio Olio nuovo

There’s a lot of bitter upfront with touches of butteriness and olivey notes. The edges of the tongue decipher the bitterness and, as you swallow to the back, the throat gets a vibrant fireball of pepper that swells and clings to its exterior walls.

Don’t let that scare you away, though. It is quite enjoyable to try over and over again and by no means is it the biggest “cougher” of the group, meaning the oil that makes you cough without choice. If this has been your favorite oil there is no reason to shy away. And if you have not had this oil it is a very good year to start!

Shop now for Sharon's fave Petroio!

* Stollen for Christmas Tiburtini Olio Novello Organic

This year is the year that Tiburtini shines! It is buttery, very robust and round with a buttery finish. With a bitter edge that is common this year, though, when compared to others it would be considered delicate. When the oil coats the lips, the sense of oil is very light. It dissipates nicely and vaporizes within the mouth cavity, the obligatory two coughs, and with a nice little swelling of heat rises in the back of the throat mellowing ever so slightly over time. Perhaps the softest and the nicest oil of the year.

Shop now for Tiburtini!

* Colline di Santa Cruz Colline di Santa Cruz Olio Nuovo

Always the first oil to try, the robust flavor of the new year is always a shocker to the system. By November, the previous year's oils, still with their own personality, have mellowed dramatically.

Shop now for Colline di Santa Cruz!

* Decembers New Oil - Katz December's New Oil - Katz

This oil boasts an almost buttery feel, a pronounced artichoke, and with mild bitter edges. The obligatory double cough comes quicker than others and yet not as sharp. Clearly this oil has fans and will have new fans this year. (Limit one per person.) The soft buttery feel with the mild but long lasting bitter edges has a flatness across the tongue when compared to other new oils. Compared to previous years, this December’s Oil is extremely friendly. It will win you over by its demeanor.

Limit one per customer.

Shop now for the most pre-ordered new oil Albert's December's New Oil!

* Titone Organic Sicilian Olive Oil Novello Titone Organic Sicilian Olive Oil Novello

At the very top it is gentle and soft with a vapor-like buttery feel as it passes across the lips and, when it hits the tongue, there are hints of artichoke and unidentifiable fruit. With a tiny bit of a kick, it is a kick that nonetheless rises in the back of the throat and departs relatively calmly. To the top of the tongue there is clearly a distinct olive flavor. The buttery vapor disappears quickly leaving a tiny bit of bitterness along the edges and a burn that starts mid-throat and swells before dissipating and disappearing. It does leave a tingling peppery sensation in the back of the mouth, across the tongue and into the throat. Ultimately, it is quite pleasant.

Shop now for Venus and Maria's Fave! Titone Olio Novello!

* Olio Verde Olio Nuovo Olio Verde Olio Nuovo

Often, the standard Olio Verde can be the go to oil. For an Olio Nuovo it is not so much this year. The mildest of all the oils we have, and virtually no bitterness at all. For some there will be a cough and a tickle, and for others there will be none.

Shop Now for Olio Verde!

Shipping Cut off for East of the Mississippi is now! Check the in-transit shipping chart for where you are shipping here!

Holiday Hours! Open Sunday!

Holiday Store Hours

Monday thru Saturday 10AM to 6PM. Sunday 12 to 4 PM

It's a wonderful time to come by and visit. Have a slice of buttered stollen, on the house! Along with a cup of Chai and cup of hot chocolate this is a wonderful time of year. Come and taste the New Year!
1425 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Wa 98119

Store Parking
The big one is much easier to park in. Click here to see the map.
This Week's Recipes

Simple & Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe

With just four ingredients and the only skill you need is to mix (and a little melting) to make this drop dead cake! Remember to use only really good chocolate to have the best success.

Easy Chocolate Cocoa Brownie Recipe

Rich, make it your own and change it up to match your cravings!

Roasted Chicken with Salsa Verde Recipe

Sauce Verde is a piquant herb sauce traditionally made with parsley. Albert has added a handful of other appropriate herbs for a slight variation. The fruitiness of the Chef’s Pick Organic California Extra Virgin Olive Oil adds a nice rich flavor to the herbs. (Thanks Albert.)

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