Pink Charlotte aux Fraises, Summer Parmigiano-Reggiano and more at - eat simply! live well! - enews
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Strawberry Charlotte Rose Biscuits Cake Recipe

Pink Biscuits for Charlotte and Champagne, Celebrate!
When trying, testing, creating a recipe (in this case, a very old recipe) it is intimidating because you never know what the outcome will be. And, with a recipe with such a history, you want to do it justice!

This recipe is all about using Pink Champagne Biscuits in a simple way that is festive and easy to do.

Le Biscuit Rose de Reims did not start out pink and, in fact the biscuit was an action of opportunity to not waste the heat of the day’s bread making oven. In the sixteen nineties, bakers created a special dough to do just that, cooking it once, and then placing it in the bread oven to finish drying. This second baking makes a Bis-Cuit. (Meaning twice cooked.)

Adding vanilla to the dough for flavor meant crushing the vanilla pods into the sugar to release the essential oils. It also meant that the dark pod particles mixed into the white dough created an unappealing looking biscuit once it was done.

The suggestion was made to add carmine, a natural red coloring “dye”, adding a rose color to the biscuit. It is the same biscuit we have today, the recipe is unchanged, still double-baked, and still made in the Champagne region of France.

Recipe Charlotte aux Fraises aux Biscuits Roses de Reims from the 17th century.

Biscuits Roses de Reims - click here!

* Fossier Pink Champagne Biscuits Le Biscuit Rose de Reims
The Pink Champagne Biscuit was born 250 years ago in the city of Reims, in France's Champagne region. Since then, the biscuits roses have been made strictly according to the traditional recipe.

They have a unique texture, airy but crunchy, a light rose color (naturally derived!) and a delicate flavor. A dusting of delicate icing powder completes the cookies.

The Biscuit Rose tradition is to dunk one in a glass of Champagne!

Shop now for Pink Champagne Biscuits

* Parmigiano-Reggiano Parmigiano-Reggiano

Not all Parmigiano-Reggiano is the same. Not just where it is made, (Specified provinces in Italy) it also involves which cows create the milk, the altitude where the cows graze, and what the cows eat.

All that is before the “cheesy” process even starts. And that is where la famiglia makes a difference. For 5 generations, with the 6th in play, since 1855, the Cravero family has been hand selecting wheels of one year old Parmigiano-Reggiano from the regions certified and very best casaro.

They then store wheels and wheels of Parmigiano-Reggiano in their own modern caves, again hand selecting from those when they decide they are ready to eat. At a minimum of 24 months old (from inception), the wheels are then sent all over Italy and the world.

We are pleased now to be able to offer 30 month old Summer cheese, selected by G.Cravero, in limited supply for cutting and shipping on Monday, February 19th. Please pre-order as we normally sell out before cutting.

Shop now for 30 month aged Summer Parmigiano-Reggiano!

* 36 month aged Parmigiano-Reggiano Summer Milk 30 Month Aged Summer Parmigiano-Reggiano

The crystals of tyrosine multiply after two years and keep appearing in this science experiment (that’s what cheese is!) of proteins and fats trapped together amongst like kinds (of other fats and proteins) in a conglomeration called cheese. And as they get together, after time, they start to unravel and in the process create these wonderful tiny pockets of crunch.

And this is really good for you, by the way. And you won't find it in a younger cheese! Proving once again that sometimes age has its benefits!

2 1/2 pound wedge of Summer Parmigiano-Reggiano - shop now!

* Yuzu Kosho Green Yuzu Kosho Green!

Awesome, hot, but not hot like you have had before.... Yuzu Kosho is a spicy, herby Japanese condiment that we are thrilled to bring to you. It's great for adding a delicious dash of flavor to fish, vegetables, even a turkey sandwich.

You may already have seen it at your favorite sushi spot or noodle house. Occasionally tucked in with the soy sauce, oyster sauce and garlic-chile paste is a jar of a mysterious, pea-green-colored condiment. If you're an intrepid eater, you may already know this culinary charmer . . . but if you haven't yet, it's time you met Yuzu Kosho.

Shop now for Yuzu Kosho Green!

* Brontedolci Pistachio Cream Back-in-Stock!

This rich pistachio green color crema is so soft to the tongue it literally melts like a “chocolate” bar of pistacchio! It is a Pistachio Crema of luxury wrapped up in a jar.

Squeeze and lick your chops and the pistachio gusto starts in the middle (of your mouth) and then flows to the edges.

As the crema moves outwards through your taste sensors, the white chocolate creaminess follows. Then, during the dissipation of the first morsel, the pistachio flavor reaches the outer edges of your taste buds and then quietly finishes with joys of smoothness amid a subtle mix of creamy white chocolate and pistachio.

Shop now for Pistachio Crema from Sicily!

* Coconut Milk Coconut Cream Coconut Milk!

We taste-tested all the coconut milks we could find, and this one is by far the best of the bunch. Not a solid paste, real coconut flavor, and no guar gum or sugar added. The next best thing to shredding and squeezing your own. From the brand that Thai cooks depend on.

Coconut Milk Shop now!

* Edible Moroccan Pink Rose Buds Edible Moroccan Pink Rose Buds


Stop and eat the Rose (buds).

The rose is one popular herb! Perhaps not here in the Northwest, but to 100’s of millions in other parts of the world, it is part of the regular garnish.

To be clear, the roses you get for your birthday from the local florist are not the ones to eat. Those have been grown and sprayed with chemicals. If you grow your own, without fertilizers and they smell great, chances are they will taste great too.

Rosebuds, not to be confused with Rose Petals, are used a bit differently. Think Rosebud Tea. (6 grams of Rosebuds steeped with lemon verbena for 8 minutes, add honey to taste). There is some belief that the rose can heal and help your physical heart.

Shop now for the Real deal - Rose Buds!

* Sea Salt from Trapani Sea Salt from Sicily

This coarse Sicilian sea salt is a natural complement to fresh raw vegetables, salads, and fish. Use it to highlight salads, to finish roasts and sauces, or to garnish bruschetta. And we've heard from customers that it's the perfect salt for rimming your margarita glasses! It doesn't just dissolve into salty liquid, and it gives the perfect crunch.

Along the western Sicilian coast from Marsala up to Trapani, protected saltpans have been used to produce sea salt for millennia. The salt is extracted by the natural evaporation of seawater. Passing through a series of big basins, the seawater evaporates and leaves salt. The salt is then raked and dried under the hot Sicilian sun. Clean sea, sun, and wind are the only ingredients used to obtain this unrefined sea salt rich in flavor and minerals especially magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Click here and shop now for Sea Salt!

Stop by and have a cup of Hot Chocolate after your walk today!

ChefShop Cocoa Powder The best!

I use ChefShop Cocoa Powder to make what my family calls my "famous" molten lava cakes. I'm told they are of restaurant quality. But I also use it to make my own personal hot cocoas. I often give it a Mexican twist with a dash of cinnamon and cayenne. Rich!
by Susie

Click to order your bag of Cocoa!

Store Hours - Try a Pink Biscuit and a cup of Hot Chocolate

Monday thru Saturday 10AM to 5PM.
1425 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Wa 98119

Our parking lot is to the north of the shop.
Easy open parking lot. Click here to see the map.

This Weeks Recipes

Chocolate Almond Mousse Cake Recipe

This is Jesse's Chocolate Almond Mousse Cake

Mushroom and Rosemary Pizza Topping Recipe

I love pizza, and Kim O'Donnel, in her cookbook, The Meat Lover's Meatless Cookbook" created this perfect, combination. In the Pacific Northwest, when the Black Trumpet Mushrooms are in season, then you have pizza magic.

Curried-Chicken and Vegetables Pan Roasted Recipe

Adapted from Food and Wine Magazine (November, 2010). With the chicken, this dish makes a wonderful entree. Without the chicken, it makes a wonderful side to roasted chicken or turkey.

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