Hymenoptera,entomology, etymology, Melittology, Anthophila, and Apis mellifera, A honey of a story and more at chefshop.com/enews

A Honey of a Story
Hymenoptera, in entomology, is a large order that includes over 150,000 different insects. Hymenoptera is divided into two suborders: Symphyta, which includes sawflies and horntails, and Apocrita, which includes wasps and bees.
The etymology of Hymenoptera is believed to be Ancient Greek. Pteron means wings. The four (fore & aft) wings are connected together with a series of hooks and are married in flight. Hymenaeus (Hymen) is the ancient Greek god of marriage, thus Hymen-optera.
The females of the Hymenoptera order typically have a ovipositor (stinger) for inserting eggs into a host. That ovipositor would also insert venom into the recipient to paralyze the insertion point and suppress the immune system to protect the eggs. The stinger is no longer used in this way, with one known exception (the cuckoo wasp), and is used now as a defensive device.
Melittology is a branch of entomology that studies bees found in the clade Anthophila in Hymenoptera. There are almost 20,000 species of bees in seven biological families which pollinate flowering plants on every continent except one.
Bees may date back as far as 120 million years, according to a recent finding. The origin of honey bees appear to be in Asia 30,000 years ago, with the first evidence of man using honey bees being 9,000 years ago. The Honey bee (Apis mellifera) was introduced to North America in the 17th century by European settlers.
Did you know?
Bees fly 2 to 3 miles per flight and they visit 50 to 100 flowers in a flight. A bee flies 500 miles in its lifetime. Worker bees live about 6 weeks in the summer. A beehive has 40 - 60,000 bees. A hive of bees flies over 55,000 combined miles to produce 1 pound of honey. A worker bee makes one twelfth of a teaspoon in her lifetime.
Honey has been a traditional medicine for centuries. It has been known to help overcome cardiovascular, liver and gastrointestinal issues. The ancient culture of the Egyptians, Chinese, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans all used honey to heal open wounds (and you still can, Julian told me when he gets a wound in the field he applies Leatherwood Honey in place of a bandage) and for unhappy intestines.
In a article from 2013 in the NCBI, USNLM, NIH, the findings of the antibacterial activity of honey against organisms like Salmonella and Escherichia coli are promising. And honey may be as effective as prednisolone in treatment of colitis. In fact, the article shows enormous positive findings and promise for making people healthy!
Natural honey is the only food that, with 100’s of substances including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and water, can sustain life! Not just sweet, honey is indeed all that Pooh needed.
Besides honey, it is estimated that 84% of food is dependent on pollination by bees. This equates to an annual crop of $170 billion globally.
Honey from the World's Flowers - Shop Now! |
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Orange Honey from Tasmania
When you take a wonderful meadow honey that is comprised of clover, blackberry, thistle and many endemic species of wildflower from the land of Tasmania and then add (10%) orange bits and flavor, you get a spoonful worth savoring and devouring all at once!
Though honey is often "too sweet" to consume with a spoon and some are destined for a cup of tea, this orange honey blend is, at-first-bite, truly spoon-worthy! The meadow honey is first to flavor your taste buds, followed by a gentle wave that laps the taste of orange that seems to be a secret vapor filling your mouth.
Because it is a creamy honey, you want to smoothly squeeze it around and find the few bits of orange that are floating about. Over and over and over!
Shop now for Tasmanian Orange Honey
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Tasmanian Ginger Honey
This ginger honey is not like so many ginger added products. To much ginger and not enough of anything else. So basically, all ginger. This honey is nothing like that.
Smoother than the orange honey, it is meadow honey first (which is quite wonderful) and a hint, a twist, of ginger, like a delicate foam. If you really want to find the ginger wait till the end as the last of the honey dissolves you can taste the ginger finish.
Rest assured that the 10% of ginger is in the honey. It may not be taste in your face but you will feel the heat that ginger can create in your body!
Shop now for Tasmanian Ginger Honey!
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Super Active Manuka Honey
Manuka Honey is well known for its health benefits. What many people don't know is that Manuka Honey is actually produced from the nectar of the Tea Tree blossom, or Leptospermum scoparium. Julian not only carefully extracts, cleans and bottles his Tea Tree honey to preserve all the natural benefits of this wonderful honey, but he carefully separates his harvest into two classes.
Above and below 500 mg/kg on the Methylgloyoxal content scale. Julian labels the highly active portion of his yearly harvest as Manuka Honey. So, if you are looking for the anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial benefits of highly active Tea Tree (Manuka) honey, this is the one to get.
Tasmanian Tea Tree Manuka Honey - shop now!
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Peter's Favorite Honey!
This Hawaiian white honey is special! At a price so low you can afford to eat it five times as fast and still have some left over, when compared to the little jar!
This creamy honey spreads easily and, when paired with butter, it's perfect on anything toasted!
Organic lehua honey is made from the blossom of the native 'Ohi'a tree. Ancient Hawaiians considered this tree sacred and carved temple images from its branches. Very rare, this honey is prized by connoisseurs for its light, delicate flavor and creamy texture.
Shop now for Lehua Blossom Honey!
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Made with organic, roasted cacao nibs, these chocolate bitters deliver a third chocolate element to all those baked chocolate goodies. With just a hint of spice and oak, Chocolate bitters impart the essence of chocolate into any drink - hot or cold. Hot chocolate, chocolate brownies, chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, you name it. But beware - it will also add richness. Death by chocolate!
Shop now for Chocolate Bitters!
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Red Sea Salt!
One of the most flavorful sea salts you'll ever taste! Not only does it add an iron earth flavor, the color is beautiful. At the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel they serve butter with Red Alaea salt on top! It looks perfect!
Red Alaea clay has been familiar in Hawaiian cuisine since before the coming of the Europeans, and it was known to be laden with healthful benefits. It's the iron oxide in the famous Hawaiian Alaea clay that makes this salt red, actually more of a burnt sienna color, and it is known to exist only in the islands of the 50th state.
Red Alaea Hawaiian Sea Salt - Shop now!
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Pardina Lentils
Lentils are a "cinchy" way to add fiber and protein to your diet without adding fat or calories. Their hearty flavor goes a long way to satisfy your "meat tooth." So if you're looking for a way to, a) go veggie or eat less meat, b) improve your diet dramatically, c) eat well for less money or d) dine your way to happiness, wealth and beauty, you can't find a better dish for yourself than a heaping helping of lentils.
I'm always astonished at how deeply satisfying and rich a simple lentil soup or salad can be. All it takes is just a little bit of seasoning from a squeeze of lemon, some freshly ground black pepper, and a pinch of sea salt to make lentils sing.
Shop now for Pardina Lentils!
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House of Edinburg
Truly handmade shortbread cookies from the land of the shortbread cookie. House of Edinburgh prides itself on doing things properly. The result is a cookie that is genuinely made by hand to ensure that the taste, texture and appearance is far superior to mass produced products. This is achieved by providing skilled bakers with only the very finest ingredients - especially the butter.
The result of all the family care really shines through in the most traditional of shortbreads with luscious chocolate chips added for a little chocolate bite treat. Plus the lovely tin doesn't hurt. Perfect hostess gift.
Click here and shop now for Shortbread!