This oil will change your life - Katz Meyer lemon Olive Oil is here! New lower pricing on Cocoa Powder! and more at - eat simply! live well! - enews
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Katz Meyer lemon Olive oil

This oil will change your life! (2017/8)

Uncorking a bottle of the new Meyer Lemon Olive Oil from Albert Katz is always an exciting treat that gets the juices flowing in your nose. No wait, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is that the pop of the cork gets all your senses ready to taste an oil that will change your life.

Month to month you never know what the year will bring. Uncertainty seems to swirl around everywhere these days, bounding from one new revelation to another. The act of “unexpected” is very tiring.

So when Albert Katz’s new oils arrive it is exactly the excitement you want. Great change within expected parameters.

That first whiff is so, so familiar. It is distinct and distinctly different from all others. All those volatiles waiting at the very top of the bottle waiting to escape, to explode in your nose as it tingles you, all the way to your toes. (Not really). To the nose, it’s a twist of lemon citrus over the top of a newly, freshly crushed olive oil.

Just a simple drop on the tip of the tongue and you can taste the distinct Meyer lemon flavor. Nuances abound. The drop is an interesting way of tasting an olive oil at first. The tip of the tongue will tell you many things about the oil that you might miss with a spoonful.

And when you do swirl a mouthful of Katz Meyer Lemon Olive Oil around in your cavity, it is always delicious, nutritious and distinctly different from others.

In all the years that I can remember (15 years), this year's Meyer Lemon Olive Oil creates a pinpoint tick in the back of your throat to make you delicately cough like a royal and then, almost as quickly as it pricks you, you’re back to savoring and tasting the combined flavors of this delicious lemon and olive oil combo.

This year's crushed-together combo is a little more spunky than years passed. A little less “sweet”, it comes with a hint of citrus tartness, which is a good thing. The olive oil “partner” has the same spunk (It makes sense as they grow in the soil near each other) and makes the flavors “matched” in all the right ways!

It’s these changes from year to year, like wine, which is why we love this olive oil! Rain, sun, drought and even fire made these fruits the way they are.

A mouthful of this oil is incredibly light, not like a vapor, instead like a mystical combination, or is it a mist, of olive and lemon. So intertwined is the olive and lemon you will think these crushed-together pair are a species unto itself, not just a marriage of harmony!

The citrus twang doesn’t make you pucker but it does make you want to draw your cheeks in so you can savor the flavor all the way to the end.

It’s an oil with a pronounced personality, yet to put your finger on it and to describe it succinctly or even succulently, is pretty hard to do.

From spoon to bread, fowl to fish, drawing on a long pasta, or as a finish to a dish, it is a perfect, delicious oil! Drizzle over your favorite vegetables, like asparagus, beans and broccoli. Toss some greens with a splash of vinegar and a drizzle of Meyer Lemon Olive Oil. Roasted chicken and roasted potatoes are perfect matches as well. Twist it up with the drizzle Queen!

I called Albert for more Meyer Lemon Olive Oil this year than our original allocation to cover the pre-orders we already have. And he said, though the crop was small, the oil produced was plenty! For the first time in what feels like forever (5years) we have been given the green light to sell as much Meyer Lemon Olive Oil as you all need and want! No restrictions on individual quantities. (At least for now.) So buy up, it’s the most amazing gift to share that you can give for the new year to yourself and anyone who watches the news!

Shop Now for Katz Meyer Lemon Olive oil!

* Italian Cocoa Powder ChefShop Cocoa Powder - New Lower Price
In case you hadn't heard, the raw ingredients cocoa/chocolate are going up in price, and for many brands they are lowering the cocoa content and raising the price!

We are fighting the trend with our cocoa powder, we are keeping our high cocoa butter content of 22% to 24% and, if you hadn't noticed, we have lowered the price a tad. We work hard to have the cocoa powder perform the same even though cocoa beans change from batch to batch.

Shop now for ChefShop Cocoa Powder!

* San Giacomo Saba San Giacomo Saba

This wonderful elixir comes to us from Andrea Bezzecchi of Acetaia San Giacomo, a maker of wonderful balsamic vinegars. Saba is grape must - crushed whole grapes, skins, seeds and all - that has been cooked down to perfection.

Saba's raisiny, carmel flavor makes it a perfect dessert topping - try saba with ice cream, cheese cake, fresh fruit, panna cotta, rice or tapioca pudding, flourless chocolate cake, crepes...the list goes on. It is also often served with soft or semi-firm cheeses. Or try adding it to your homemade salad dressings.

Click here for the Big Bottle of Saba!

* Caputo 00 Pizza Flour Caputo "00" Pizza Flour

Caputo "00" Pizza Flour is finely ground and higher in protein -- so it makes a superior crust. Super soft flours are the tradition in Naples, Italy - the land of pizza and pasta. Caputo "00" Pizza Flour is finely ground from the finest European winter wheat which means a softer texture and supple mouth-feel. It's easy to work and produces a beautiful crumb.

Besides the level of the grind, the biggest difference between all-purpose flour and "00" flour is how the gluten acts or behaves. Gluten from durum wheat tends to be strong but not as elastic, while the gluten in red wheat is both strong and elastic. This means that when you use durum wheat flour, you'll get a nice bite on your breads and pasta, but not as much chew.

Shop now for "00" flour from Italy

* Heilala Vanilla Paste 2x Double Vanilla Paste

Vanilla Paste is a relatively new product that has been recently featured on a number of gourmet food TV programs. Vanilla Paste is made by reintroducing Vanilla seeds to Heilala's 2x Vanilla Extract and adding a natural seaweed thickener to produce a paste consistency.

It's a very useful, economical and convenient product when you require both the full flavour and appearance of the Vanilla seeds, without the hassle of splitting and scraping! There are about 20 pods in approximately 4 oz of vanilla paste.

Shop now for 2X Heilala Vanilla Paste!

* Brown Rice Vinegar with Back Koji Brown Rice Vinegar with Black Joji

Making rice wine vinegar is a little different than making traditional grape wine vinegar, and just a tad more complicated. Making a traditional red wine vinegar is a two-step fermentation process - starting with converting the simple sugars in grape juice into alcohol, and then converting the alcohol into acidic acid.

But, because you are starting with a grain and because that grain is much higher in complex starches vs. sugars, converting a grain like rice into alcohol and then vinegar is a three-step process; the rice starch must first be broken down into....

Click here to read more!

* Red Alaea Hawaiian Sea Salt Red Sea Salt

It's not just a tasty salt. It's not just a crunchy salt. It's not just a healthy iron oxide salt. Don't get us wrong, it's all those things. It's not just salt, it's not just for your palate, it's also for your plating palette. It is so pretty on the plate! Adding just a few crystals on a pat of butter is glorious for instance.

Red Alaea Sea Salt from Hawaii - Shop now!

* Rega Rega San Marzano DOP Tomatoes DOP San Marzano Tomatoes

While the tomato originated in the New World and didn't make it to Italy until the 17th century, it made up for lost time quickly!

Not only is Italian cuisine, of course, renowned for tomatoes, but the San Marzano region near Naples is considered one of the best tomato-growing regions in the world - a true tomato heaven! These are the real thing, certified from the Sarnese-Nocerino area.

Shop now for Tomatoes!

* Colomba Easter Panettone Cake Easter is April 1st. Colomba Spring Italian Bread

"Doesn't Get Any Better than Colomba."

"This is a fabulous panettone and do not pass up the opportunity to purchase this. Thank you ChefShop for making this product available to us."
Chris from Viera

Time to pre-order your spring panettone!

Stop by and have a cup of Chai at the shop!

ChefShop-Cocoa-Powder ChefShop Cocoa Powder!

The best!
" I use ChefShop Cocoa Powder to make what my family calls my "famous" molten lava cakes. I'm told they are of restaurant quality. But I also use it to make my own personal hot cocoas. I often give it a Mexican twist with a dash of cinnamon and cayenne. Rich! "
by Susie

Find ChefShop Cocoa Powder here!

Exploring Peruvian Cuisine Cooking Class Exploring Peruvian Cuisine Cooking Class

Peruvian cuisine reflects local as well as "imported" practices and ingredients—including influences from the indigenous population, traditional ingredients, and cuisines brought in with immigrants from Europe, Asia and West Africa.

Without the familiar ingredients from their home countries, immigrants modified their traditional cuisines by using ingredients available in Peru. Peruvian cuisine has been described it as one of the world's most important cuisines and as a living example of “fusion”, due to its long multicultural history.

Recipes for the evening include: Tiradito Nikki (Fish Crudo), Miso-Glazed Pork Ribs, Solerito (Quinoa Salad), Roasted Asian Eggplant with Black Garlic, and Alfejores (Dulce de Leche Cookie Sandwich).

Exploring Peruvian Cuisine Cooking Class - Sign up and bring your comfy pants!

Store Hours - come visit and taste this week's flavors!

Monday thru Saturday 10AM to 5PM.
1425 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Wa 98119

Our parking lot is to the north of the shop and to south of Champions Party Supply.
Easy open parking lot. Click here to see the map.

This Week's Recipes

Tuna Butter Dip Recipe

This is absolutely one of our go-to recipes, as it is not only delicious and very popular with our guests, but we can make it easily with ingredients from our pantry (except for the parsley and lemon - which we usually have on hand - but can also either be omitted or substituted with lemon olive oil) -- and it only takes about 5 minutes. It has very few ingredients, but the key is ALL the ingredients have to be top-notch. I would not use a domestic tuna for this recipe -- it's just not the same.

Spicy Caponata Panini Recipe

This recipe highlights yet another great way to use Mama Lil's hot peppers. This is a Sicilian appetizer of sautéed eggplant in a sweet and sour (agrodolce) sauce. If you have a panini grill, it is a quick and easy way to make lunch for friends, or cube the panini to make a quick and delicious appetizer for the .

Basic Balsamic Vinaigrette Recipe

This is your basic Balsamic Vinaigrette recipe. Versions of this can be found in most cookbooks. This one includes a tablespoon of demerara sugar. However, if you use good, aged Balsamic, that should be sweet enough - no added sugar needed. If you use balsamic from the grocery store, or if you substitute a traditional champagne or white wine vinegar, you will need to add the sugar.

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