Smoked Shoyu, an Elixir you will love and be wowed by! Time for Oatmeal and more at

Amazing Smoked Elixir
“Smoked” has been a trend for quite some time now. Liquid smoke is often the “shortcut” used to add the “smoky” flavor to just about anything you want. The result is not always good. Even though liquid smoke is (can be) a “natural” process the result is often less than “real” tasting. Often leaving an aftertaste that lingers in an unnatural way.
Funny how the palate can discern speed of process.
We already have a wonderful lightly smoked, 1 year aged shoyu. It has been a wonderful “hit” with anyone who tastes it! Somehow it creates instant memories as soon as you try it.
This new (to us) smoked shoyu boasts the most complex smoked ingredients we have ever tasted. Like a fine wine or olive oil, this smoked shoyu has a complexity that just keeps going.
To the nose you can smell a wonderful fruity wood smoke with a sweet cherry smell and a bit of ash all up in your hairs! If you inhale strongly the vapors will work their way all the way to the back of your throat. And then you have this balloon like feel on your nostrils and the throat. It’s kind of wild!
Pour it into your Chinese soup spoon and the color is dark, rich and has a tinge of red amber. The smell is strong even a foot way as you look down at the spoon.
Dip your tongue in first and you will feel a prickly tingle. Salty soy is next and the smokiness is more effervescent than cheek filling.
Typically, soy sauce is overwhelmingly salty, so it is difficult to discern any flavors. The better the soy the easier it is to identify the nuances and differences.
With this smoky soy sauce it is almost like an after dinner aperitif. Amazing!
Even as you taste the elixir, you envision smoked ribs, with the smoke billowing out of a wonderful pit and your mind races through different types of woods. As you suck your lips in (a pucker of sorts hunting for flavor) you experience wood, smoke, salt, a sweetness and an evaporation. Then it is gone like a cirrus cloud in the wind.
One of the best things to pass through my mouth in a long, long time!

Shop Now for Smoked Shoyu extra special intro price! |
Just Arrived! Super Food!
Every list of “super foods” has oats near the top. You’ve seen the commercials - eating oats is known to lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. Oats are an excellent source of fiber. They even help stabilize blood sugar - at any time of day.
The unusual flavor and texture of these amazing oats may be attributed to the final drying process, carried out in the old fashioned 'flat kiln', which is believed to be the only one of its kind used in Britain today. The oats are dried in the kiln for four hours, during which time they’re turned twice by hand shovel. It is this very specialized process, perfected by the miller, which makes the flavor and texture unique.
The distinct oat grains are then stone-cut into small pieces - smaller than Irish "steel cut" oats - thus the name “pinhead.” Unlike “old-fashioned” oatmeal, they’re not steamed and rolled flat.
Read Real Pinhead Oatmeal - Morning, Noon & Night here...
Oatmeal, Organic Stone-Cut from Scotland - shop now!
Best sugar on planet
This sugar is like everything you could ever want in a sweet thing. Add it to cookies, pancakes, brownies and coffee. Of course topping your oatmeal!
Muscovado is a soft, moist, fine brown sugar. It's also known as Barbados sugar, where it was once made. But ours comes from the island of Mauritius off the African coast. While most brown sugar these days is made by combining already-refined sugar with added molasses-like syrup, this is the real thing: a less refined product with rich, complex flavor.
Click here for Dark Muscovado Sugar!
Organic Cinnamon Bark
Open the bag, put your schnoz inside and take a big whiff ... "ooh-la-la", to quote Grace Potter. This is what you expect, this is what you want, this is, and I mean IS, organic cinnamon bark.
Open the bag and see a tree, see the bark and wonder how it can be so de’lish’iss’ee! Break a little loose, pop-it-in-your-mouth and in a second or two the cinnamon tingles your tongue and the flavor imparts, leaving a eidetic memory.
Freshly cut from a small stand of trees in Hawaii, when Ceylon cinnamon bark comes in like this, we jump for joy as it reminds us why we chose it in the first place. The man who planted the trees to harvest, chose Ceylon for its good health properties, its chemical properties and also for its “taste”.
This Ceylon cinnamon bark is grown on a certified organic farm on the Big Island of Hawaii. Tane's trees grow 4-5 years before harvesting the limbs. (Most trees are chopped down after 1 to 1.5 years). Not only does waiting increase the yield, but Tane feels that the cinnamon then has a stronger flavor and has a little more kick to it. Use a coffee grinder to make a quick and easy powder. And don't worry the leftover cinnamon goes into your next cup of coffee nicely!
Shop now for Organic Cinnamon Bark grown in Hawaii!
A Great Taste Award Winner
A fabulous fruity jam, packed with flavor and will contain damson stones.
Hawkshead creates a classic - Lakeland Damson Jam.
Damascene is a drupaceous fruit and a species of the plum tree. The name Damson appears to have originated in Great Britain. Less sweet than other more modern plums, this plum can make you pucker up. Because of this it makes a wonderful jam.
This Damson Jam is one of those jams that is the jam of choice for those who like things less sweet. Now don't think of it as sour, because it isn't. What it does do is keep its personality (astringent) even though it's sweetened with sugar.
Click here to find your jar of Lakeland Damson Jam!
Soy Sauce Category
Smoked soy sauce not your thing? We have nine other options to check out here.
There are many artisan-made shoyu (Japanese soy sauce) producers and many artisan-made products made all across Japan. The finest and most unique shoyu soy sauce for sale are produced by small, family-run shoyu breweries that use quality ingredients and traditional, labor-intensive production methods. Real shoyu takes time. Like a fine wine or a traditional balsamic, aged shoyu is truly special.
Check out the Soy Sauce category here!
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Small Escargot!
The health benefits of snails.
Who would have thunk that these great-tasting snails are actually good for you? Then again, things that live or grow close to the earth generally are - and snails are no exception. This is just another example of how flavor and nutrition go together.
100 grams of snails contain 119 milligrams of eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA - a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid usually found in seafood. They say an average intake of 250 milligrams a day of this kind of fatty acid may lower your risk of heart disease.
A serving of snails contains 382 milligrams of potassium, but only 70 mg of sodium -- which means they are perfect fare for a low-sodium diet.
Snails provide 3.5 mgs of iron, or nearly 20% of the daily recommended value. The iron is also in the heme form, which is easier for our bodies to absorb. Other nutrients include Vitamin B12, selenium, vitamin E, phosphorus, and magnesium.
These snails also contain a glycoprotein, which is believed to have cancer-fighting properties. And let's not forget, that they taste great - especially nestled in their shells with a little butter and lots of garlic!
Shop now for French Escargot!
Sun is shining and setting after 7PM! |
Hot Peppas!
The Best Condiment!
"I pretty much only use these on sandwiches for now. They are fantastic! I can't wait to incorporate into other recipes. The perfect amount of heat and flavor!"
- Sally
An explosion of happiness!!
"What a unique combination of sweetness and spice. One of my favorite peppers!"
- Tony
Everything Mama Lil's is awesome and here!
Chef Lesa - Classic Brazillian Cooking Class
Cook your heart out, Brazilian style! Come join us for a Brazilian Cooking Class, based on the food movie classic, "Woman on Top". The movie is a scrumptious fantasy about love and cuisine, Brazilian style. Chef Isabella embodies a certain philosophy of food: it tastes even better when you share it with someone you love.
If you haven't see the movie, we highly recommend it - but it's not a requirement to enjoy the class - we've just used it to decide what to teach.
Come join us for a fun night of recipes based on the movie, plus some wine, music, and good conversation. Recipes include: Brazilian Beans and Rice (Feijoada com Arroz), Coconut Shrimp Stew (Moqueca de Camarao), Cheese Bread (Pao de Queijo), and Chocolate Truffles (Brigadeiros). Light appetizers will be served before and during class, and dinner is served at the end of class.
Chef Lesa Classic Brazillian Cooking Class - Sign up to have fun!
Store Hours - come visit and have some nuts!
Monday thru Saturday 10AM to 5PM.
1425 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Wa 98119
Our parking lot is to the north of the shop and to south of Champions Party Supply.
Easy open parking lot. Click here to see the map.
This Week's Recipes |
Double Dark Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies Recipe
These rich treats get their name and richness from the double dose of darkness - cocoa powder and bittersweet couverture chocolate chips. The chewy-crunchy texture from Alford Organic Scottish pinhead oats, and it's a ménage a trois made in heaven.
Mushroom, Lentil and Walnut Pate Recipe
This "paté" is perfect for fall. Its deep rich umami flavor profile is an amazing way to get your mouth watering before an equally satisfying meal.
Korean BBQ Marinade Recipe
Add some asian flare to your BBQ repertoire. I found this in the July 2011 issue of Bon Appetit. Perfect for short ribs or flank steak!