"Gold Medal Winner Chateau Virant French Oil, Balsamic Vinegars Reviews, Apple Cider Vinegar and more at chefshop.com/enews
Chateau Virant AOC Olive Oil
New Crop has Arrived
Crack the seal as you twist off the top and smell the distinctly new oil. Chateau Virant has its own distinct volatiles. Quick to fill the nostrils with a tingly olive nuanced whiff coming from the neck of the bottle. Once in the spoon the nose is gone.
The first sip is filled with bite and edge bitterness. A pause and the slow burn at the back of the throat comes after the oil and the taste is gone.
The second sip is different. The oil (and the flavor) dances on your tongue first and then edge bitterness (more mild) rises, but not as high as before. As the burn moves to the back of the throat it changes to a more pointed tingle.
The third sip is different as well. The bitterness only comes at the the end, the burn has moved to become a tickle with a cough. The flavor, the uniqueness of Chateau Virant, is full in the mouth with a wonderful olive oil vapor cloud.
With hints of fruit and vegetables the subtly that is the oil becomes more robust and alive the more you taste. As your palate adjusts you start to “feel” the flavors, more so than taste. It is an oil that should be “tasted” and “had” at least once in your life.
Chateau Virant is a Winner of the most prestigious Concours Général Agricole Médal d’Or Paris 2018. It is the oil for which other oils are compared to every year!
About Chateau Virant Olive Oil
This is an Aix-en-Provence AOC olive oil, which, among other qualifications, means that it is a blend of the particular designated olive varieties, primarily the two "queen" olives of Provence, the Salonenque and the Aglandau, as well as a small amount (15% total) of Picholine, Grossanne and Lucques.
Click here for Chateau Virant AOC Olive Oil!
2X Extract
Bourbon Vanilla
No chemicals or nasty synthetic imitations here. Only the best organic vanilla beans are used before Heilala's cold extraction and unique aging process takes place, resulting in a true vanilla aroma and the purest taste imaginable.
This versatile bourbon vanilla extract is perfect for all your baking needs or whenever a recipe calls for vanilla extract or essence. Harvested this year, this bourbon vanilla extract tastes like vanilla, smells more like a bean than alcohol, and is double strength vanilla (that's what 2X means - it two-times the "vanilla" flavor in it than 1X or most other vanillas), NO sugar is in 2X, and Heilala is wheat free.
Double fold Extract has 37% alcohol.
Using a whey alcohol, this ethanol has no allergens, is free from dairy and wheat, and has a less offensive alcohol odor.
Shop Now for Heilala Bourbon Vanilla Extract 2X!
North African Couscous
A light and fluffy pasta!
Couscous is a staple in the North African kitchen where there are as many ways to serve it as there are chefs. Although it is usually classified as a grain, these little granules are actually tiny pasta made by coating coarse ground semolina with flour.
In traditional Moroccan cuisine it was prepared in a two-chambered couscoussière; a stew would be cooked in the lower chamber and the couscous would be cooked as the aromatic steam rose through perforations in the second chamber. The essence of the stew would flavor the couscous as it expanded slightly.
Serving Suggestions:
Of course, you don't need special equipment or a stew to enjoy this wonderful, light pasta. A little chicken stock and almost any minced or diced ingredients - from sautéed onion to pine nuts and from chopped olive to currants - some spices, chopped parsley, and seasoning and you will have a quick and delicious side dish that is just as appropriate for a piece of grilled salmon as an authentic Moroccan tangine.
Shop now for Organic Couscous!
Large Pantescan Capers in Salt
Grown on the island of Pantelleria and preserved in the native sea salt for La Favorita Fish. The island of Pantelleria is 70 km away from Africa and 85 km from Sicily. It is considered by many culinary aficionados as the ultimate source for capers.
These are large capers, picked just before they were ready to flower. Preserved in sea salt means that none of this aromatic flavor has been lost. A rare find indeed!
Shop now for Large Capers in Salt!
La Vecchia Dispensa 10-Year Balsamic Vinegar
This bottle holds 4 times the amount of La Vecchia Despensa 10-yr balsamic as the smaller bottle and normally we only sell it to restaurant chefs. We've decided to offer this incredibly delicious deal to all of our customers!
"Good value for La Vecchia Dispensa 10-year old balsamic. Just had it on avocado and home-grown tomato toast - unbeatable! I hope it will last me a couple of months until resupply."
-- Paul
Shop now for Balsamic Vinegar!
La Vecchia Dispensa 30th Anniversary Balsamic
"This 30th Anniversary special balsamic from LaVecchia Despensa is just that, SPECIAL. We have had several different quality balsamics by this firm (except their 100 yr) and each is wonderful but the richness and flavor of the 30th Anniversary is truly amazing. Just opening the bottle the aroma makes you want to just drink it from the bottle. The fruit flavor is delightful so you don't want to stop.
But, don't do it because this vinegar is at its absolute best when devoured a drop at a time. The flavor and zing of balsamic lingers in your mouth making you feel heavenly and it makes even the cheapest sliver of cheese taste like the best in the world. We have compared this to another brand we own rated with a gold seal. This 30th Anniversary blend tops the other. A hint to first time buyers, when cutting the seal to open bottle, keep a finger on top as the top will fly off the bottle like it was a bottle of DOM."
-- Rosanne
Shop now for 30th Anniversary Balsamic Vinegar!
Acacia Honey from France
Acacia honey is actually from a false acacia, Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly known as black locust, a tree native to eastern North America and widely planted in Europe. Acacia honey has lower acid content than other honeys and its high fructose content means that it can stay liquid for a long time. Its color ranges from a light yellow to white to clear.
The Acacia honey from Apidis is a very pale yellow and very runny. Because it tastes so purely sweet, it is the perfect all-purpose honey to have around your pantry. Perfect for drizzling or stirring into your afternoon tea.
Shop Now for Acacia Honey from France!
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Toasted Corn
Starting with non-GMO corn kernels the just plain “Toasted” version is my favorite. A little oil and salt and it is perfect in every possible way! I thought bigger kernels were better but not anymore. It’s easy to exclaim why we love these so much, they are the perfect munch food. For desk or a long car ride, they are the just right grab and bite snack treat.
Toasted corn is exactly that, corn kernel un-popped, un-boiled, but toasted and most often oiled and salted.
Shop now for Toasted Corn!!
This Week's Recipes |
Ham & Leek Frittata Recipe
Eggs are a perfect food -- complete protein, healthy fat, so versatile. This recipe calls for leeks, but you can also use wild ramps. Ramps are foraged in many places in the northern US and Southern Canada in early spring.
Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Recipe
One of my father's favorite desserts. And, when looking for any recipe that one would consider "comfort food", we always turn to Marian Burros' book, "Cooking for Comfort" first.
Chicken Salad with Mangos and Argan Oil Recipe
This is a very simple chicken and mango salad, and can be made with a good olive oil, instead of argan oil. But the argan oil gives it a slightly different, slightly Moroccan taste -- as well as adding lots of health benefits.