"Black Lemons-Limoo Omani, hint they are limes, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Bitters and more at chefshop.com/enews

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Persian Black Lemons Turkey

Black Lemons
Limoo Omani

Black Lemons are limes. Limoo Omani (Iran) is a thin skinned lime that is dried in the sun. Grown and used in the Persian Gulf region extensively as an ingredient in many dishes.

Pierce holes in the skin of 3 or 4 whole Limoo Omani and add to a thick soup or stew. Or cut in half (or break into pieces), remove the seeds and add to sauces. Limoo Omani is well suited to go with the foods from the sea like shrimp and historically, preserved fish (Tahtah Malleh). It also works well with lamb, beef and camel to make a classic meat pie (pizza).

To the nose, the uncut Limoo Omani have a musty tangy tickly smell. The hint of citrus is at the top of the whiff and at the bottom is the wonderful must. It reminds me a lot of Li hing mui without the salt.

Cut one open and the must fades and the tingly tangy citrus tickles the nose. The smell reminds me of the Spice Bazaar in Turkey. Truly hard to describe with a fine brush, with broad strokes the smell expresses the past, with comfort and mystery.

Though its past is steeped in a wonderful history today you could consider it one of the most essential flavor enhancers to always have on hand!

Shop now for Black Lemons - Limoo Omani!

Parmigiano-Reggiano 30 month Spring Parmigiano-Reggiano

Just because it's Fall doesn't mean you can't have Spring!

Rushing is often not a good choice, especially when it comes to food.

Using chemicals to make inexpensive soy sauce, creating Balsamic using sugar and food coloring, or using pellets to change the color of farm-raised salmon are all ways to shortcut nature's aging process, but they don't create better food. In fact, more likely, we are not creating sustenance, but creating abstinence!

We may be ignorant of all these food processes, but our taste buds tell us something is not right, and we won't go back for more. Speed kills.

This fall our seasonal Parmigiano-Reggiano offering started it’s life in the spring of 2016 with 580 litres of milk (145 gallons) from happy, relaxed cows who mangier in the comfort of their barn and live in the mountains. Fed the same grasses that they eat in the summer, but dried to make “hay”, and the spring flowers of the awakening earth.

This tasty mix of feed changes the characteristics of the milk and ultimately the flavor of this 30 month old cheese, rich in calcium and phosphorus, that we are offering today.

To be certified as Parmigiano-Reggiano it must be at least 12 months old. To be exported and called "extra", it must be at least 18 months, with the typical age being 20 to 24 months. As the cheese ages it creates spots of crystalized amino acids, a true indication of the age of the cheese. It is this wonderful texture that makes the shaved pieces look spotty and full of delightful mini crunch!

For the food lover you know or for yourself, a great Parmigiano-Reggiano is a true food to share. Share in chunks with a drizzle of Essenza or grated and added to mashed potatoes. Spring Parmigiano-Reggiano is perfect in the fall!

Shop now for Parmigiano-Reggiano!

Bittermens Hopped Grapefruit Bitters Hopped Grapefruit

Bittermens Bitters

These bitters embody the essence of grapefruit and combines it with grapefruity flavor of hops. They sing in perfect grapefruit melody together.

These grapefruit bitters play well with most cocktails where you need that citrus punch, but also goes well with those sweeter non-alcaholic drinks that need that balance, such as one of my favorites, Italian bubbly mineral waters mixed with Raspberry syrup and a dash of these fabulous Bittermens bitters. Or add an extra punch to your next batch of pink grapefruit sorbet, or a pink grapefruit and octopus caviche. Primary Flavors: Grapefruit, Hops.

Shop now for Bittermens Hopped Grapefruit Bitters!

Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey The red wine of honey.

"This honey is to other honeys like red wine is to grape juice. It has a complex and rich flavor lacking in traditional honeys. Excellent with cheeses and teas."
-- Kevin

Shop now for Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey!

Madras Curry Powder Sun Brand Madras Curry Powder

Curry powder is not just for classic dishes like a milk-based curry sauce for shrimp. It is also great in a healthy smoothy or simply added to your couscous or quinoa. Think outside the box when it comes to Sun Brand curry powder!

Madras Curry is like many spice mixtures, there are many variations of the ingredients and proportions. Madras, (or Madrasapattinam) India, now called Chennai, in Tamil Nadu, India, is on the Coromandel Coast and the second largest port in India. Sun Brand Madras Curry was one of the first curries to be exported.

Shop now for Madras Curry Powder!

La Tourangelle Toasted Sesame Oil History of Sesame oil

Sesame oil, also known as Gingelly Oil and Til Oil, is an ancient ingredient. The Assyrians used it as a cooking oil more than 2500 years ago. It was an expensive delicacy back then, and a hundred years later in Persia it was still an oil only the rich could afford. Today, it's still used as a medicine in India and oil pressed from the raw sesame seeds is commonly used as a massage oil in Ayurvedic medicine.

This sesame oil is so "just right" as a nice flavorful touch to soups, to add to noodles and stir fry, it's great in a vinaigrette and your next milk-less ice cream (or real milk ice cream)! Add toasted sesames to your sesame oil and create the flavors of sesame heaven.

Shop now for Toasted Sesame Oil!

Rj's Soft Black Licorice Soft beautiful black Licorice!

We've tried a lot of licorice, and we had all but given up on finding one that was the perfect blend of candy and licorice until we tried RJ's soft black licorice so many years ago. Not too sweet, it is a refreshing treat!

Just about every day, when customers stop by our store here in Seattle, we offer them a little licorice log (after they've tasted all the new California olive oils). They say, "Oh, I'm not really a big licorice fan." But they try it - and they're hooked. They buy a bag of this New Zealand licorice for their friend, for their mom, and of course, one to keep stashed in the glove compartment.

Shop Now for Rj's Soft Black Licorice!

* Pomodoraccio semi-sun-dried tomatoes Pomodoraccio semi-sun-dried tomatoes

Pomodoraccio are semi-sun-dried tomatoes marinated in a mixture of sunflower oil, wine vinegar, herbs, spices and seasoning, and they are oh so soft and supple.

Handpicked and cut, each tomato is soft and juicy and packed with flavor.

These super-convenient tomatoes can be used in so many different ways in the kitchen - you can even use the flavorful marinade as an ingredient in its own right!

These delicious tomatoes can do double duty as a topping for bruschetta and as an ingredient for a whole host of recipes instead of sun-dried or even canned tomatoes.

Shop now for Pomodoraccio semi-sun-dried tomatoes

* Fregula Sarda Coucous Fine Cooking Toasty tiny balls of pasta

The term "fregula" (also "fregola") may derive from the Latin word fricare, meaning chopping up: little fragment, splinter, crumb, scrap, corpuscle. These tasty little balls of pasta are created by rubbing coarse semolina into balls in the presence of water.

Unlike North African or Middle Eastern Couscous, the little balls are then toasted in an oven, giving them a toasty, rustic-homey taste. This medium fregula is a staple in the Sardinian kitchen, both on the coast and in the interior.

Shop now for Fregula Sarda!

* Fregula with Minted Cauliflower Recipe Fregula with Minted Cauliflower Recipe

A simplified Moroccan dish using Fregula Sarda in place of couscous.

See the Recipe here for Fregula Sarda with Cauliflower!

* Organic Yuzu Ponzu Sauce Organic Yuzu Ponzu Sauce!

Yuzu Ponzu “sauce” is one of those flavors that makes Japanese food taste like it does. Simple to make on your own with a mix of shoyu, rice vinegar and yuzu juice.

It’s the subtle, umami difference that makes this Yuzu Ponzu just plain amazing and appealing! This gem has in addition to the basic ingredients, kombu and shiitake added.

One taste and you know it’s something special. To the nose the shoyu (soy sauce) is the base of the “whiff” and on top is the delicate citrusy Yuzu. A tingly smell for sure. The first sip is similar to the mouth. The shoyu runs across the taste buds, attacking and spreading quickly, staying low, whilst the citrus Yuzu floats above giving and sharing its tang.

It's this combination of shoyu and yuzu tang along with the kombu and shiitake that makes it tasty beyond belief! Zingy and Zangy are a great description.

Think agro dolce (sour & sweet) with salty notes that sometimes can even twist up your tongue. You can make it a dipping sauce for sashimi, a salad dressing, or toss it on some rice to add some spark! A dash on steak or even on your next Baywater Sweet oyster! This is a versatile food personality to take you across the world or just change up your next bite!

Click here for Organic Yuzu Ponzu Sauce!

Get ready for Fall. Perhaps the best

ChefShop Cocoa Powder ChefShop Cocoa Powder

This dark, unsweetened, Dutch process cocoa powder is in a class unto itself. They have removed less fat from our cocoa (22-24% fat content), which results in a more intense and immediate chocolate flavor. This wonderful Dutch process cocoa powder has a touch of ground vanilla bean.

"Bought for truffle-making Christmas 2010. Wow, this is the best! I have always loved Valhrona, but glad I gave this a try. I planned to share/ gift give, as 500 truffles later, I've hardly used any......... Can't say enough great things about it. ...."
-- F W

Stock up, keep the pantry ready, shop now for Cocoa Powder.

ChefShop Cooking Classes 10/10 Winter Comfort Cooking - Classics with a Twist

Get ready to soothe yourself and your loved ones with food -- good food! Classic American comfort food, but with a decidedly modern, flavorful twist. Settle into the late rainy Winter with creative takes on traditional comfort foods! That's it - make yourself feel better with comfort food! Chef Lesa Sullivan will share with you her client’s favorite midwinter meals, including: Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese Bake, Kale Ceasar Salad with Croutons, Mom’s Marvelous "Gluten Free" Meatloaf, and Flourless Chocolate Brownies with Sea Salt Caramel Drizzle. Sign up and bring your comfy pants!

ChefShop Cooking Class

Store Hours

Monday thru Saturday 10AM to 5PM.

1425 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Wa 98119

Our parking lot is north of the shop and south of Champions Party Supply.
Easy open parking lot. Click here to see the map.

This Week's Recipes

Harissa Deviled Eggs Recipe

Adding some spice and heat without taking away the yolk'ish flavor. The contrast in deviled eggs, the cold egg and yolk combined with the spicy harissa is a nice contrast to the classic sweet relish.

Pasta with Artichokes, Capers, Tomatoes and Tuna Recipe

This is a standard around the warehouse. Quick to make and always good. When artichokes are in season -- you can use the fresh hearts.

Curried-Chicken and Vegetables Pan Roasted Recipe

Adapted from Food and Wine Magazine (November, 2010). With the chicken, this dish makes a wonderful entree. Without the chicken, it makes a wonderful side to roasted chicken or turkey.

See what you missed in previous Newsletters

Caramel Crumble, Flaky Crunch Pastry, Parm

Shakshuka-EEasy, Simple, Spring Parm, Baking

Camping w/ Bincho-Tan, Organic Garlic Powder

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